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Kubuntu | Friendly Computing

Kubuntu, making your PC friendly Kubuntu is an operating system built by a worldwide community of developers, testers, supporters and translators. Kubuntu is a free, complete, and open-source alternative to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X which contains everything you need to work, play, or share. Check out the Feature Tour if you would like to learn more! Kubuntu unites Ubuntu with KDE and the fabulous Plasma desktop, bringing you a full set of applications. The installation includes productivity, office, email, graphics, photography, and music applications ready to use at startup. Firefox, Kmail, LibreOffice, Gwenview are just a few installed and ready to use, with thousands more, available in just a click, from the Discover software centre. Built using the Qt toolkit, Kubuntu is fast, slick and beautiful. Kubuntu is mobile-ready, enabling easy integration between your PC desktop and phone or tablet. Simply use the Google Play store to install KDE Connect on your Android device and you can integrate your device with your desktop. Watch the video below, download the ISO and try Kubuntu today.


Lubuntu Plymouth Theme | Ubunlog

Lubuntu Plymouth Theme Domingo, 28th Marzo 2010 Ubuntu Ya vimos el nuevo Plymouth Theme de Kubuntu 10.04, en la imágen que sigue podemos ver el de Lubuntu 10.04.

Kubuntu 10.04 también será LTS | Ubunlog

Kubuntu 10.04 también será LTS Lunes, 7th Diciembre 2009 Kubuntu Ubuntu En la versión LTS anterior de Ubuntu, Hardy Heron 8.04, solo la versión con GNOME tuvo soporte a largo plazo, la razón por parte de Canonical para no dar este soporte a Kubuntu, fué que incluía el recientemente lanzado KDE 4 y se tenía dudas sobre su estabilidad, hoy los tiempos son otros, KDE 4 ya está asentado y es muchisimo más estable, lo suficiente para que en el UDS se haya decidido volver a darle soporte extendido a este sabor de nuestra distribución, que incluiría KDE 4.4, Qt 4.6 y KOffice 2.1

KubuntuKarmicNetbook - Ubuntu Wiki

* KubuntuKarmicNetbook You are here: Kubuntu Wiki » KubuntuKarmicNetbook * Launchpad Entry: kubuntu-karmic-netbook-edition * Created: June 1, 2009 * Contributors: ScottK, Tonio, other Kubuntu devs * Packages affected: kubuntu-default-settings, possibly a new plasma-netbook-shell package Summary Provide, as a technology preview for Karmic, a new minor *buntu flavor, Kubuntu Netbook Edition. KDE4 is designed from the ground up to be scalable to many form factors. Many Kubuntu users are already using it in netbook computers. The intent is to make it easy for Kubuntu to just work. Release Note This release includes a new member of the Ubuntu family, Kubuntu Netbook Edition. This variant of Kubuntu is aimed at netbooks and other small form factor devices. Rationale Netbooks appear to be growing in popularity. An install image optimized for this form factor would be great for users and may have some commercial potential. KDE 4 is designed to be scalable and is easily adjusted to new form factors. It may be particularly useful to have in the *buntu stable in cases where a quick turn around for a particular device type is needed. User stories Jane has used Kubuntu for years and wants it on her new netbook. She is pleased to find Kubuntu Netbook Edition gives her a familiar environment scaled to her new device. Klaus has a new netbook device coming to market with an exciting new form factor. He needs an OS for it, but needs it soon. With a little help, he's able to ship on time and on budget with Kubuntu Netbook Edition. Assumptions None. The settings changes have been prototyped and the plasma-netbook shell will only be included if it is mature. Design Test various settings such and font and panel sizes in the netbook form factor to determine good settings for smaller systems. Test and integrate plasma-netbook shell if ready. Implementation Implementation will have three major parts Settings Changes A new Kubuntu default settings netbook package will be needed along with a netbook metapackage for this edition (in Universe for Karmic) New Flavour Setup A kubuntu netbook seed will need to be created. Image builds for i386 will be needed. Plasma Netbook Shell If it is ready, the plasma Netbook shell will be packaged and used as the default front end for Kubuntu Netbook Edition. It is currenlty in heavy development and likely to be ready for Karmic. * * * Some patching of kdelibs/base/plasma-addons is needed (and doable before feature freeze) to support Plamsa Netbook in KDE 4.3. Test/Demo Plan Images will need to be thoughly tested before release. We will encourage people to test these on netbook and full form hardware. Unresolved issues Inclusion of Plasma Netbook shell TBD pending testing. CategorySpec KubuntuKarmicNetbook (editada pela última vez em 2009-10-15 00:11:27 por agoliveira) * Page History Kubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. You can contribute to this wiki, see Wiki Guide for details.

Kubuntu/NetbookPlasma - Ubuntu Wiki

* Kubuntu * NetbookPlasma You are here: Kubuntu Wiki » Kubuntu » NetbookPlasma kubuntu.png Kubuntu Home About News & Media Support Get Kubuntu! headquarters.png Headquarters Roadmap Netbook Teams Team Reports Meetings Communication organization.png Organization Membership Community team-development.png Development Artwork Documentation Packaging Bug Triage calendar.png Calendar Meeting: Thu 21 Jan 20:00UTC Hugs: Hug Day! 27th February, details. Tutorials: TBD REVU: TBD {*} Join us in the #kubuntu chat room for support, the #kubuntu-devel chat room for general development or #kubuntu-netbook for Kubuntu Netbook Edition development. {*} Netbooks are different than larger computers and Plasma Netbook is meant to provide a different way to interact with them. This is a new project for KDE that is planned for release with KDE 4.4 in February 2010. KDE and Kubuntu developers are working together to integrate this exciting new concept into Kubuntu's KDE 4.3 for our Karmic Koala (9.10) release. Plasma netbook is the heart of the new Kubuntu Netbook Edition. Rather than repeat what various upstream developers have had to say about it. Here are some links: * Description with YouTube videos * Ars Technical article * Aaron Seigo's Plasma Netbook manifesto * Technical paper * Associated presentation slides This is not just about making Kubuntu smaller, but delivering a novel netbook experience that will be better. Currently Plasma Netbook has some rough edges. It is still under heavy development upstream and will get better. Upstream is interested in feedback. We are aware of a number of issues already, but want to hear more so we can deliver the best netbook experience. Please file bugs.

Kubuntu/Netbook - Ubuntu Wiki

Kubuntu Netbook Edition Kubuntu Netbook Edition is a new Kubuntu flavour optimised for netbook computers. These computers generally have screens smaller then 10 inches, less processing power, no CD/DVD drive and less memory & disk space than traditional laptops. Kubuntu Netbook Edition was first released with Kubuntu 9.10 and is a technology preview.

KDE SC 4.4.1 Packages Available | Kubuntu

KDE SC 4.4.1 Packages Available Submitted on Wed, 2010-03-03 Packages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.4.1 are available. Users of the Lucid development release can upgrade to the newest packages. Users of our stable 9.10 release can install it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. To update, use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports


Ubuntu Releases

Ubuntu Releases The following releases of Ubuntu are available: * Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS (Dapper Drake) * Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) * Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) * Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) * Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS (Hardy Heron) * Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) * Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) * Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Releases of Kubuntu and Edubuntu are also available here. We are happy to provide hosting for the following projects via the cdimage server. While they are not commercially supported by Canonical, they receive full support from their communities. * Gobuntu * Mythbuntu * UbuntuStudio * Xubuntu For old releases, see Icon Name Last modified Size Description

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

A Comunidade Ubuntu-BR é formada por pessoas voluntárias que visam contribuir com o sistema e com seus usuários, buscando interagir umas com as outras prestando suporte, divulgando, participando de eventos e compartilhando do espírito Ubuntu. Se você quer participar desta comunidade, Saiba como. Código de Conduta O Código de Conduta do Ubuntu rege o comportamento de todos os membros da Comunidade Ubuntu, em qualquer fórum, lista de discussão, wiki, site, canal de irc, install-fest, encontros públicos ou correspondências privadas. O Conselho Comunitário do Ubuntu irá arbitrar em qualquer discussão sobre a conduta de um membro da comunidade. Para estar de acordo, você precisa ler atentamente e assiná-lo. Conselho O Conselho Ubuntu Brasil é formado por 3 membros oficiais do Ubuntu, responsável por tomar decisões que afetarão direta ou inderetamente o futuro da comunidade, arbitrar nos assuntos relacionados a imagem da comunidade e no comportamento de seus membros, bem como representar oficialmente a distribuição em território nacional. Os membros do Conselho são: * André Gondim * Fabio Nogueira * Laudeci Oliveira Para entrar em contato com o Conselho, utilize o email conselho©

How to upgrade to KDE 4.3.1 | Silicon Gadget

How to upgrade to KDE 4.3.1 This is a very short and very narrowed guide, but I am sure some of you may still find it very interesting. Today we are going to upgrade KDE to the new version 4.3.1 on Kubuntu. KDE 4.3.1 has been released yesterday and it is a Service Release of the 4.3 series that brings many bug fixes, performance improvements and translation updates. For stability reasons the Kubuntu standard repositories do not offer the update, so you have to add a third party repository.

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

Grupos Regionais Os Grupos Regionais são células de representação da comunidade Ubuntu nos diversos estados brasileiros. Neles você poderá encontrar usuários do Ubuntu Linux que residem no mesmo estado e cidade e até mesmo bairro que você. Os grupos organizam listas de discussões próprias, eventos, install fest e outras confraternizações e iniciativas, sendo uma forma muito interessante de se fazer novos amigos, contatos e trocas de experiências profissionais, culturais e sociais. Entre em contato com o Grupo Regional do seu estado e ajude na divulgação do Ubuntu GNU/Linux no seu bairro, faculdade, escola, cidade, empresa... espalhe o espírito Ubuntu! Usuários Mapa de usuários do Ubuntu no Brasil mostra a localização geográfica de usuários do Ubuntu no território nacional, qualquer um pode adicionar seu nome no mapa. Ubuntu-BR no Launchpad Time de Usuários Brasileiros do Ubuntu no Launchpad. Para participar deste time é necessário que o usuário esteja de acordo e tenha assinado o Código de Conduta. Locais * Fórum * Listas de discussão * Planeta (agregador de blogs)

Tutorial i18n - KDE Brasil

Tutorial i18n projeto de Tradução do KDE! Projeto de tradução do KDE TUTORIAL DE CONFIGURAÇÃO - PROJETO DE TRADUÇÃO - KDE i18n Tabela de conteúdo [esconder] * 1 Introdução * 2 Baixando os arquivos necessários * 3 Instalando os componentes necessários * 4 Entendendo os arquivos para traduzir * 5 Traduzindo os arquivos com KBabel * 6 Testando os arquivos traduzidos * 7 Utilizando o Gerenciador de Catálogos * 8 Roteiro das atividades

KDE Brasil

Página principal Venha fazer parte da equipe KDE 4 Seja Livre! O KDE é uma equipe internacional de tecnologia que cria Sofware Livre para computadores pessoais e portáteis. Entre os produtos KDE estão um moderno ambiente gráfico para plataformas Linux e UNIX, suítes de escritório e de trabalho em grupo completas e centenas de aplicações em diversas categorias, incluindo aplicações Web e para Internet, multimídia, de entreterimento, educacionais, gráficas e para desenvolvimento de software. As aplicações KDE são traduzidas para mais de 60 idiomas e são construídas tendo em mente a facilidade de uso e princípios modernos de acessabilidade. O KDE4 é uma aplicação repleta de recursos que roda nativamente no Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows e Mac OS X. Mais...

KDE - KDE 4.3.0 Caizen Release Announcement

KDE 4.3.0 Caizen Release Announcement Also available in: English | Estonian | Français | Slovenian | Українська | Walloon | KDE Community Delivers Incremental Innovations With New KDE 4.3 Release KDE 4.3 (Codename: "Caizen") Delivers Incremental Innovations to the Free Desktop Users and Software Developers 4 August, 2009. The KDE Community today announces the immediate availability of "Caizen", (a.k.a KDE 4.3), bringing many improvements to the user experience and development platform. KDE 4.3 continues to refine the unique features brought in previous releases while bringing new innovations. With the 4.2 release aimed at the majority of end users, KDE 4.3 offers a more stable and complete product for the home and small office.

KDE - Getting KDE

KDE 4.3 KDE 4.3 is the version for the majority of end users that look for the latest stable KDE release. Please see the KDE 4.3.0 Info Page for details. Currently, the following binary packages are known: * Debian KDE 4.3.0 packages are available in the unstable repository. * Fedora o Rawhide development repository, however the packages there may depend on other Rawhide packages and are therefore not suitable for installation on previous releases. o Unofficial Fedora 11/10 packages are hosted at the kde-redhat project. * Kubuntu packages are available for 9.04. More details can be found in the announcement on * Mandriva provide packages for 2009.0 i586 2009.0 x86_64 2009.0 SRPMS 2009.1 i586 2009.1 x86_64 2009.1 SRPMS Please refer to README to more information. For Mandriva Cooker ( development ) users, 4.3.0 is will be available at cooker repositories. * openSUSE packages are available for openSUSE 11.1 (one-click install), for openSUSE 11.0 (one-click install) and for openSUSE 10.3 (one-click install) and openSUSE Factory (one-click install). A KDE Four Live CD with these packages is also available. * Magic Linux KDE 4.3.0 packages are available for Magic Linux 2.5. See the release notes for detailed information and the FTP tree for packages.

Public Key Server -- Get ``0x2836cb0a8ac93f7a ''

Public Key Server -- Get ``0x2836cb0a8ac93f7a '' -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: SKS 1.0.10 mI0ESgMYswEEAOzc0ePR1UkVIg9dZZgl6exOQlr pAoDIrlEmv1WX977Ciwh9GI6g2KMf3Ci 8DY2jluksPyNWlAtG9rls0NvFyqWkRnRm68Tm8jy /X7LTfz1YIixoO6xq 8i8YfXoWg0ZaJ 0MjRm2s jxZmcx199kLC3CL7sS0ui6ZOzXpuMn7FABEBAAG0GUxhdW5jaHBhZCBLdWJ1bnR1 IFVwZGF0ZXOIRgQQEQIABgUCSk7ndwAKCRAiHJXOgzra07LlAJsH8LkuT9HLmTIeubQbMHhf NsS1nwCglaeK7K1qBxrS7kTIoqNPOmoDdXOItgQTAQIAIAUCSgMYswIbAwYLCQgHAwIEFQII AwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJECg2ywqKyT96080EAMrywfPZkEa42ROjm6fiJ6hlNI4umiqJ11Vv myy7PkFFapzjpFq9dIYRkk23PavTRT9nKa97N8jG Ef4HpLfrxjAb5q e7Aj3ykEqNcQWXpJ ppY0TRQDiTMgBJKz3dLgSHFvRk8Rr6FI1i8ZjnkTGJd7YfkynyhA6ACEHVDDLw s =VGz5 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

KDE 4.3 released | Kubuntu

KDE 4.3 released Submitted on Tue, 2009-08-04 KDE 4.3 packages are now available. To see what's new, see the release announcement Users of our latest development release, Karmic, can upgrade to the latest packages. Note: The last few parts are still building and will be available in a few hours. Users of our stable 9.04 release can install it from the Kubuntu Backports PPA. deb jaunty main It is strongly recommended that you verify the integrity of these packages by installing the archive's GPG key. You may do this by saving the PUBLIC KEY BLOCK available from this page to a file and importing it from the authentication tab in KPackageKit's software sources window. Then refresh and do a full upgrade. Packages for Jaunty are not officially supported. KDE 4.3 will be part of Kubuntu Karmic 9.10 to be officially released this October.

KDE 4.3, Disponible | Ubunlog

KDE 4.3, Disponible Por Ubunlog | Agosto 4, 2009 La Comunidad de KDE ha anunciado hoy la disponibilidad inmediata de “Caizen”, (alias KDE 4.3), con muchas de las mejoras a la experiencia del usuario y la plataforma de desarrollo. KDE 4.3 sigue perfeccionando las características únicas de versiones anteriores, mientras que agrega nuevas fucionalidades, ofrece una base más estable y completa de productos para el hogar y pequeña oficina. Algunas de las principales características de esta versión: * Integración con mucha nueva tecnologías como PolicyKit y servicios de Geolocalización. * Más efectos visuales, un Krunner más eficaz y muchos más addons para Plasma. * Muchos errores corregidos y, mayor integración de las aplicaciones con el sistema. # Entradas Recientes * KDE 4.3, Disponible * Escritorios Linuxeros#5 * New Wave 0.8.1 * La semana en links#12 * Ubuntu Glow- Wallpaper

MrBumpy4096's profile

MrBumpy4096 (m) user public MrBumpy4096 MrBumpy4096 Home - S. Christian Collins United States of America, Madison, WI last visit Jul 27 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - name: S. Christian Collins birthday: Aug 13 1978 uploads: 1 job status: working country: Madison, WI, United States of America email: contact MrBumpy4096 homepage: link registered: Apr 30 2009 last visit: Jul 27 2009 operating system: Kubuntu