My Blogmarks / Netvibes
Il semblerait que mon feed perso de Blogmarks.net avec son espace_alakon_dans_le_login soit enfin accessible depuis l'extérieur, notamment Netvibes. Félicitations pour l'effort.
(Néanmoins : peut-on encore changer son login dans Blogmarks ?)
Exalead new look
by 36 othersInterface à mi-chemin entre Google et Netvibes+screenshots. A quand une dispostion "à la Exposé" pour Blogmarks ?
How to Kill Killi and his fishes !
by 7 others (via)Just enter the username you want to ignore / examples : killi because you don't like fishes, or monark because you're not very excited with cycles & Refresh the page
Hot Links items have now a shortlink "copy to blogmarks"
by 28 othersby ze wonderful team... oké oké
DeveloperDocs - Blogmarks
by 10 others (via)Blogmarks.net comes with an implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol. Here's the documentation...
(6 marks)