public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from winnie6

24 January 2006

HTML Color Code Combination Chooser

by 42 others (via)

11 January 2006

PDF Password Recovery

by 1 other (via)
Have you lost the password to remove the pdf encryption? Now you can not print or copy the content of your own pdf file? No problem! With PDF Password Recovery you can remove the password with one mouse click!


by 47 others (via)
Gallery, the open source web based photo album organizer. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site.


by 2 others

06 January 2006

05 January 2006

04 January 2006

03 January 2006

Content with Style

by 7 others

紅漿果咖啡坊 咖啡烘焙家 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格


26 December 2005

24 December 2005

AIGA 紐約專業設計協會

by 4 others
有些Graphic Design線上年鑑,是找靈感的地方之ㄧ

23 December 2005

by 15 others

winnie6's TAGS


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2005   ajax   awards   blog   Blog聯播   ColdFusion   color   cool   crack   css   delicious   design   dhtml   ec   flash   folksonomies   google   hr   icon   inspiration   javascript   magazine   me   open-source   patterns   photo   pixelart   ProjectManagement   reference   seo   software   soho   tips   tools   ui   video   web2.0   webdesign   webdev   webTracking   wikipedia   俗民分類學   兒童網站   價目表   咖啡   動畫   圖庫   家事   工作室   廣告   找靈感   流量   插畫   日本   書籤工具   網路商店   網路趨勢   知識管理   英國   設計入口   軟體   酷站大全   韓國