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PUBLIC MARKS from xibe with tag blog

2009 » Ada Lovelace Day!

Ada Lovleace, as I’m sure you all know, came up with the first theoretical program for the first imaginary computer, [thus ushering in the Age of Steampunk] making her an inspiration for all us girls messing around on computers in later centuries!

La suite :


365 Days Of Trash: Frequently Asked Questions

this was an idea that a friend and I came up with (although it is hardly a unique one) that I really wanted to try. We were talking about the idea of throwing things "away" and how "away" is just that, somewhere other than here. It occurred to us that it is easy to waste because we are not confronted with that waste since it goes "away" and then began to wonder how our choices would differ if we had to keep everything in a pile in the backyard. So the idea is to keep everything for a year and in doing so, be able to see how much waste I create and how much I can avoid.

Mardi, c'est psychologie

Psychologie banale du quotidien : le ça, le moi et le surmoi, expliqué en dessin et avec Michel Drucker (et Charlize Theron).

QA Deathmatch

"If you’re familiar with Quake, or pretty much any other FPS, then you know about the deathmatch. (...) When testing time came around, we found a way to make it fun… QA Deathmatch."

Brèves de

Cool, un premier avis sur, le blog musical de Vince (et de moi quand j'aurai le temps) ! :) "Un blog musical intéressant (, à parcourir goulûment. Vous y découvrirez quelques articles passionnants sur des influences qui nous sont chères : Soma FM, la tonitruante scène rock canadienne, Jeff Hanson,. En guise de dessert, vous y trouverez aussi quelques extraits musicaux."


by 10 others
bédéblog - dont le "Journal d'un remplçant"


Eric's Archived Thoughts: Signs of Intelligence

Un enfant peut apprendre le langage des signes (simplifiés) bien avant de savoir former des mots