public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tag twitter

19 November 2009

14 November 2009

Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter

by 7 others
TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter Annotated link

13 November 2009

favit :: stream

Manage Share everything across various platforms, discuss, rate and monitor important activities on the web…

11 November 2009

Twittercal - tweet your google calendar

by 3 others
Add events in a snap from your favorite Twitter client. - A conversationlist is your attention transformed into a tweetstream.

If you create a conversationlist, the people following your tweets can get a little more context: once someone follows your list, it means that they automatically see the tweets from the people that you're sending @replies to, retweeting, or mentioning, so your tweets don't appear in a vacuum. Your followers see what the people who influence you are saying on Twitter.

07 November 2009

Zcapes - Home

example:A Zcape is a page someone built for an event or an object. Lets say it's the Zcape for people watching America's Next Top Model in the Netherlands . On this Zcape you wil find that people are posting their messages about what they think about the program. Also there is a filter on what people are saying on Twitter about the program. And there is a voting box about which model will leave in the next show. Thats it.

Mobypicture - Share your adventures with your friends realtime

by 1 other
Directly share your photos, text, audio and videos with all your friends on your favorite social sites: facebook, twitter, flickr, vimeo, and more!

Smub: The smartest way to bookmark.

by 1 other
just type in front of any URL to submit to social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Digg, or email , or to your own personal bookmark page - No registration required

06 November 2009

Bing Twitter

Bing's Twitter search

03 November 2009

Twitfile - Share files on twitter!

TwitFile lets you share files on Twitter

28 October 2009

26 October 2009

MovieRats - Welcome!

rate movies using Twitter.

25 October 2009

textsave - Save your Text Files and Share Them on Twitter and other Micro Blogs

save your text files so that you can micro share them everywhere, on different micro-blogging platforms.

Grafitter // Visualizing Your Life on Twitter, IM, Delicious, and Blogger.

Neat idea - Grafitter is a way collecting information about your self over time while sending updates with Twitter, using IM, saving bookmarks on Delicious, and writing a post on Blogger. Grafitter visualizes the information you record in graphs.

24 October 2009

Short URLs with analytics, social media monitoring, and geotargeting - Cligs

20 October 2009

Follow live conversations from Twitter and Facebook on

by 1 other
show you the entire latest buzz from the popular micro-blogging platform. T

Electronic notepad - PicoNote

by 1 other
can write public/private notes - mobile access - from website or twitter.

Twitter Multiple Users and Accounts | TweetFunnel

lets multiple users participate simultaneously from a single Twitter account.

RadioWeave - Getting the FAQs.

lets you will be able to create a social radio. also lets you follow a Twitter account and have its tweets read aloud to you.

jotabl | your twitter shoutbox

visitor can leave a comment in one of two ways: * Post a tweet - By simply including the URL to your shoutbox in their tweet, the message is shown in near real-time. * Directly from shoutbox - Your visitor can sign in via Twitter to add their message, and even have it tweeted for them. your URLs

by 4 others
We display your most recently tr.immed URLs here, or, if you login, all of your URLs since you signed up. supports three different bookmarklets: Creates a new URL for the website you are at, and open a page for you to quickly tweet it to Twitter, and then send you back again. NW Creates a new URL for ther website you are at, but it opens a new window, which you can then quickly close with a keyboard sequence if you prefer. No countdown, no waiting. twitter Of course, create a new URL too, but instead send you over to Twitter's website to send it out from there.