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PUBLIC MARKS from yoshigi with tag google

August 2006

Googlist: 18 Ways for Blogger to Beef Up - Google's products and practices


May 2006 / Media & internet / Dealing with Google - MySpace seeks link with Google or Microsoft

MySpace seeks link with Google or MicrosoftBy Richard Waters in San Francisco and Aline van Duyn in New YorkPublished: May 23 2006 04:58 | Last updated: May 23 2006 04:58MySpace, the fast-growing “social networking” site, is in talks to forge a internet search link with either Google or Microsoft, in a move that would confirm the emergence of Rupert Murdoch’s internet site as a significant new power online.// <![CDATA[ if (showAd != 0){var box = new Advert("box",thisPage.ftsite,thisPage.alladparams,thisPage.issec,thisPage.wrap);document.write(box.adHTML);}// ]]> ADVERTISEMENT The rapid growth of MySpace has turned it into one of the most attractive potential allies for search engines, which are hunting for new online audiences for their search-related advertising.

「Google Earth」対応の3Dモデリングソフト「Google SketchUp」無料公開

Google SketchUpに読み込み可能なデータ形式は、SketchUp形式をはじめ、「Google Earth」で利用する.kmz/.kml形式や、3DS、DWG、DXF、DEM、DDFにも対応する。Google Earth中の多くのデータをGoogle SketchUpに読み込むことができるが、Google Earthに元から描かれていた建物などのデータはライセンス上の問題から読み込むことはできない。また、無料版のGoogle SketchUpでは編集したデータをGoogle Earthの.kmz形式以外で保存することはできないという制約がある。なお、Google SketchUpのMac版は現在開発中だとしている

April 2006

Google Operating System: SketchUp Is Free

by 1 other
Google did it with Picasa, Urchin, Keyhole. Now SketchUp, a 3D modeling program bought by Google last month, is free for personal use and you can download it if you have a decent PC with Windows 2000 or XP. Google promises to come up with a Mac version for SketchUp soon.

Google Operating System

by 8 others
fill in the blanks of the google puzzle

February 2006

RED HERRING | Google Buys Blog Stats Firm

Google Buys Blog Stats Firm Measure Map will bolster the search giant’s web analytics tools as it looks to build more credibility in its ad programs. February 15, 2006

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