22 February 2006
How Does iTunes Pick Featured Podcasts? - MediaShift | PBS
by 2 othersBlog Hype Over — Business Has Just Begun
17 February 2006
Amazon plans to take on iTunes, iPod - Computerworld
Amazon.com Inc. plans to launch its own Internet music service to rival Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes Music Store, The Wall Street Journal reported today, citing unidentified sources.
26 January 2006
Mac Performance In The Raw - Wow! The Intel iMac Is Almost As Fast As The Quad Core Power Mac - How Macworld Pulled A "Not So Fast" One ...
We are pleased to report that our testing results show that the new Dual Core Intel iMac, which clocks in at 2X 2.0GHz is almost as fast as the current high-end Power Mac that has two Dual Core G5 processors running at 2.5GHz.
16 January 2006
(4 marks)