Netvibes: Web Developer: PHP
Netvibes is hiring a PHP developer to work on the Netvibes widget platform.
Web Developer : Javascript
Netvibes is hiring 2 web developers to work on UWA, the widget technology from Netvibes.
Web Developer : PHP/Javascript
Netvibes is hiring 2 web developers to work on the Netvibes widget platform.
Leaving Yahoo!, going freelance
Simon Willison leaving Yahoo!
offre d'emploi
Recherche intégrateur html/css et développeur php/mysql, à l'aise avec Photoshop et plutôt au fait des standards du web. Des connaissances en Flash serait un plus. Mission plutôt sympathique d'1 à 2 mois (en stage, CDD ou freelance) pour la société upian.com.
Technorati censoring employee blogs?
(via)For a company that relies on aggregating content by scraping full posts from almost 8 million blogs, vetting their employees' personal writing seems like a curious
Doing kottke.org as a full-time job
by 5 othersI recently quit my web design gig and -- as of today -- will be working on kottke.org as my full-time job. And I need your help.
(12 marks)