18 February 2006
11 February 2006
Eurographics 2006 - Conference Webpage - Call
by bcpbcp (via)Join the fun as computer graphics researchers and game developers meet at Eurographics 2006! Be part of the game by submitting a small demo containing interesting (preferably physics-based) interactivity with a graphics effect to the Eurographics 2006 "game room" competition.
21 January 2006
Terra Nova: Digital Communities 06 / Prix Ars Electronica
by bcpbcpFor the third time, Prix Ars Electronica, the foremost international prize for computer-based art, is starting its call for entries for "Digital Communities" projects. The category "Digital Communities" has been a great success in its 2004 and 2005 editions and is singling out for recognition projects of great sociopolitical relevance.
19 January 2006
SimWorkshop - January 23, 2006 Event | Creating Games & Simulation for Learning
by bcpbcp (via)Creating Games and Simulations for Learning One Year Later!!
(4 marks)