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PUBLIC MARKS with tags archi & design


Se reapproprier les espaces defensifs ou deconsideres de nos villes

by sbrothier
Couvrez cette ville que je ne saurais voir ! Depuis quelques années, les décideurs publics et les aménageurs urbains jouent les Tartuffe à trop vouloir se protéger des dérives de nos villes. Mobilier urbain anti SDF, éclairage spécial dans les gares pour éviter les drogués, dispositifs sonores anti-jeunes, la ville préfère contourner ses problèmes par des aménagements à tendance discriminatoire.

Au Canada, des bancs ingénieux conçus pour les SDF

by sbrothier
L’automne dernier à Vancouver, au Canada, une association a mis en place des bancs spécialement conçus pour les sans-abri. L’initiative fait enfin parler d’elle. Septembre 2013 : l’organisme à but non lucratif Raincity Housing, en collaboration avec l’agence de pub Spring Advertising, installe des bancs destinés aux sans-abri dans la ville de Vancouver. Ces refuges temporaires, modulables pour certains, permettent à ceux qui n’ont pas de toit d’au moins se protéger de la pluie.

Architects are purposely designing uncomfortable park benches - Quartz

by sbrothier
Much of the contemporary discourse on urban design is rooted in acclaimed architectural theorist Oscar Newman’s influential 1973 book, Defensible Space. Newman believed that criminal and generally irresponsible behavior was facilitated by (typically modernist) “anonymous public spaces”




by sbrothier
Interrupteurs / prises


by sbrothier
Sustainable Renovation project of a flat in Barcelona, based on the 5 Rs of eco design

TETRAN Modern Furniture: Infinite Living

by sbrothier
TETRAN™ makes its owners the custom furniture designers of their unique living space. Modules are repurposed for new functions or redesigned for alternate living spaces, there are endless color, finish, and material options to keep up with even the most rapid changes in style, and any damaged elements are easily and inexpensively replaced. The result is a beautiful, functional, versatile home furnishing solution for everybody.


New Logica System by Valcucine | Interior Design and Architecture

by sbrothier
Check out this great ergonomic cooking and food preparation spaces from Valcucine. Valcucine has always focused on satisfying customers’ requirements and has painstakingly researched into the use of traditional kitchens to this aim. The result has been the perfection of a few aspects that improve the interaction of Man with the whole kitchen “system”.

Product Connect

by sbrothier
Fill your presentations with real products Product Connect compatible products help you create SketchUp presentations that quickly and easily sell your design vision to clients and co-workers. The Product Connect collection on the Google 3D Warehouse includes thousands of Product Connect enabled product models. Browse through doezens of catalogs from brands like KraftMaid and Formica.



Typography of the San Francisco MoMA : un album sur Flickr

by sbrothier
The SFMoMA is all about creating a space for modern art to live. But there's also a meta-layer to the art experience that comes from the aesthetic and conceptual life of the space itself – the colors, the architecture, the little design touches. These elements contribute to our experience of the art inside, but often operate below our cognitive awareness. I decided to bring one of those meta-elements to the forefront of attention – the typography used inside the museum, on anything from exhibition signage to elevator buttons to restroom signs.

Brickstructures Home

by sbrothier
Inspiration: 100+ years of Architectural progress that occurred in Chicago since the great fire of 1871 that have consequently surrounds us in today's Architecture. Ever since I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the iconic Chicago Skyline. This later inspired me to explore Architecture in hopes of one day becoming an Architect. My only time away from that inspiring Chicago Skyline was during my college years when I received my Professional Degree in Architecture with an emphasis on the Philosophy of Design Theory at Kansas State University in 1996.

Rainer Spehl

by sbrothier
Home Office Unit with drawers in the bottom and flaps that also function as work surface. Solid yellow locust timber.


Designstudio - Reinier de Jong

by sbrothier
Reinier de Jong is founder of a designstudio called Reinier de Jong located in Rotterdal, The Netherlands. He works on a variety of outstanding projects ranging from product design to architectural design. This website shows a selection of both his latest and his upcoming works

The Style Press

by sbrothier
Predominant daily news on fashion, art, design and pop culture

Florian Kräutli » Magnetic Curtain »

by sbrothier
A curtain which you can shape to any form. Through the incorporated structure and magnets, it stays in the shape you push and pull it to.


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