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PUBLIC MARKS with tags communication & web2.0



Mozilla Labs » Raindrop » Blog Archive » Introducing Raindrop

by ycc2106
Raindrop is an effort that starts by trying to understand today’s web of conversations, and aims to design an interface that helps people get a handle on their digital world. At the same time, it creates a programming interface (API) that helps designers and developers extend our work and create new systems on top of that data. We aren’t trying to invent new protocols or build new messaging systems, rather focusing on building a product that lets users get a handle on the systems we already use.

Pibb: Stay in the Loop

by ycc2106 & 3 others
Pibb combines the best features of instant messenger, chat, email, and bulletin boards. * Messages are delivered instantly, or can be retrieved later * New threads are stored and searchable like email or bulletin board * Start public channels about your favorite subjects * Use private channels to communicate with groups or your social network * Send private messages to your friends * Pibb will notify you when you have new messages

Google Wave Preview

by claire_ & 4 others
Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year. Watch the demo video below, sign up for updates and learn more about how to develop with Google Wave.


webitpr | Independent Website Goes Nationwide For Patients To Drive NHS Change

by globeing
Omnibus research carried out by ICM* between 30th May and 3rd June 2007 found that 91% of adults in the UK feel that the NHS should be learning directly from patients personal experiences in hospitals.


by globeing & 1 other
voir le bouton "bookmark" avec la liste des outils de bookmark en pop-up


GROU.PS | The Social Groupware Innovator

by pallefs & 6 others
Get a FREE Web Site For Your Social Group Share photos, bookmarks, to-dos, blog entries, notes, souvenirs, locations... Stay in touch via SMS, email and online chat... No duplicate efforts! Synch with Y! Groups, Blogger,, Flickr and others... Fully integrated with your mobile phone and desktop!


UFR des Sciences de la Communication - master 2 design interface multimédia et internet

by dpansu
Mastère 2 professionnel Design d'interface multimédia et internet formation initiale Objectifs En complément des savoirs disciplinaires acquis par les étudiants lors de leur cursus antérieur, l’année de spécialisation en « Design d’interface » (DIMI) permet d’acquérir les compétences spécialisées du design d’interface. Former des spécialistes de haut niveau en conception et réalisation de produits et de services interactifs et multimédias en associant approches technique, fonctionnelle et esthétique.

A day in the life with Geesee

by geesee
How will a day with Geesee look like in a short time.

Active users

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last mark : 04/08/2006 11:52