public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags copyright & trademark

October 2007

The Trademark Blog: "Parents' Fury At Google's Copyright Roadblock"

by pmdm
The Register: "Parents' Fury at Google's Copyright Roadblock": "Imagine if you walked into Scotland Yard to report a crime involving children, only to be given a telling off, before you'd opened your mouth, about the dire penalties for wasting police time. And that your complaints would be forwarded to a watchdog - and that you'd better come back with a lawyer. Peut décrire aussi la méthode de traitement des affaires de contrefaçon de marques par des liens publicitaires, non ?

February 2007

September 2006

Internet Law Blog

by rockcoastmedia & 1 other
Discussion of legal topics as they relate to the internet and web based applications. Special attention is paid to copyright and trademark issues along with cyberlaw

Internet Law Blog

by rockcoastmecdia & 1 other
Blog on the latest trends in the law, which relate to the itnternet and intellectaul property.

May 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag copyright

copyfight +   cyberlaw +   design +   domain +   goldstein +   internet law +   law +   legal +   legal blog +   Massachusetts law +   trademark +   web2.0 +   web2.0discussion +  

Active users

last mark : 03/10/2007 15:27

last mark : 26/02/2007 00:50

last mark : 14/09/2006 14:10

last mark : 08/09/2006 15:39

last mark : 27/05/2006 10:06