November 2006
Newest Webcams
by jlesage & 12 othersrandom live webcams from the net, a new kind of documentary media, mostly surveillance
August 2006
EFF: Electronic Freedom Foundation
by jlesageAug. 06, stop new network and Internet censorship bill
by jlesage & 5 othersPC software that lets you surf anonymously. High school students can hide they are on MySpace at school; workers can browse the Internet for personal use; and folks in China can hide their tracks.
July 2006
Yochai Benkler
by jlesage & 3 otherspromoting an information commons in the face of the political economy of social networking
apophenia: MySpace and Deleting Online Predators Act (with Henry Jenkins)
by jlesagekey theorists speak out for user rights
June 2006
Policy Blog | Public Knowledge
by jlesageimportant site both for politics and for information sharing
May 2006
(10 marks)