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PUBLIC MARKS with tags enfants & kids


🛠 KID - GAME / DEV CSS - Colouring with code |

by decembre
Do you like colouring books? Are you getting a little bored and running out of things to do at home? Well, I have created some digital colouring pages that you can colour with code. There is a lot going on in the world right now so I wanted to share something lighthearted and fun. Something everyone can take part in and share with their friends and family online.


A Magical Tree House Lights Up for Christmas

by sbrothier
“When I was 14 years old, I wrote myself a letter, which I still have,” says Jeri Wakefield. “It reads, ‘No matter what happens in my life, I pledge to be the best grandmother I can be, so when I have grandkids they will have happy memories of their grandmother and their childhood.’”

a f a s i a: 120 Anna & Eugeni Bach, arquitectes

by sbrothier (via)
Cuando una pareja de arquitectos tiene hijos pequeños, siempre llega el día en que éstos preguntan: -    Papå, mamå,... ¿Vosotros sois arquitectos, verdad? -    Sí... -    ¿Y hacéis casas a la gente? -    Si, claro... Y entonces viene la pregunta trampa: -¿Y por qué no nos hacéis una casita a nosotros?

Become a Maker - DIY

by sbrothier & 2 others
DIY is a club for Makers to earn Skills. DIY Makers do challenges, share their work with the community, and earn patches for the Skills they accomplish. DIY was founded in November 2011. We're a bunch of makers and doers. We've made websites, online communities, offline communities, films, cars, games, robots, sculptures, and houses. We work in a storefront near Dolores Park in San Francisco — look for the paw print on our door!

2012 George Products - Life of George

by sbrothier
Introducing Life of George: the world’s first interactive game combining LEGO bricks with your mobile device. Follow George around the world as he challenges you to a series of fun building tasks. Build as fast as possible, capture your model with your iPhone/iPod or Android camera and get scored on your building skills.


by sbrothier & 1 other
Your teddy bear has thousands of things to tell you.

Alicia Keys gets her own storytelling app for iPhone and iPad | Apps Playground

by sbrothier
Musician Alicia Keys is getting into the digital storytelling game, courtesy of a new iOS app called The Journals of Mama Mae & LeeLee, which was released today on the App Store. It’s described as “an immersive storytelling experience that includes exclusive, original music from Alicia Keys”, which we think will appeal to children as well as fans of the star.

Applications enfants : un catalogue critique iPad iPhone Android Web

by sbrothier & 1 other
Ici on chronique des applications pour les enfants. Pour iPad, iPhone, Android, mais aussi pour le Web, les Mac et les PCs. On parle aussi de multimédia ludique et pédagogique, d'édtion numérique jeunesse et des usages du numérique dans l'enfance et à l'école. L'objectif ? Vous aider à repérer les meilleurs contenus pour vos enfants, et réfléchir ensemble aux usages et à l'avenir de ces outils technologiques, à la maison comme à l'école.

Le Marchand de sable, un trĂšs beau livre-application pour l'histoire du soir - DeclicKids, applis enfants - catalogue critique d'applications iPad iPhone Android Web

by sbrothier
Ce livre-application est la premiĂšre crĂ©ation de hocusbookus, un studio Ă©ditorial indĂ©pendant basĂ© aux alentours de Lyon. Et pour un coup d’essai, voilĂ  un coup de maĂźtre : on sent que Yanick Gourville a voulu cocher toutes les cases et nous offrir une petite pĂ©pite : jolie petite histoire, graphismes lĂ©chĂ©s, transitions trĂšs travaillĂ©es, animations douces, interactivitĂ©s bien pensĂ©es, excellente ambiance musicale, etc. Cette histoire parle du noir et de la peur du noir. Elle met en scĂšne un petit garçon en ombre chinoise, auquel n’importe quel enfant pourra facilement s’identifier, et lui fait vivre l’aventure quotidienne de tous les enfants du monde : le coucher. Bien sĂ»r sa maman est lĂ , elle lui lit une histoire, l’embrasse et laisse musique et veilleuse, mais bien sĂ»r, lorsque passe le marchand de sable et au moment de s’abandonner au sommeil, le garçonnet a peur.


by sbrothier & 1 other
From budding builders to aspiring architects, the new Nelson blocks will kindle your children’s creativity and build a new generation of designers, inventors, and artists. Share your creative inspiration with the Tegu Team and you could win the Nelson set of your choice---and unleash your inner child in the process. 

Bad Children's Books --

by sbrothier
Satire, Humor and Visual Parody of Classic Children's Books From the 1940s Through 1960s

Moonbot Studios: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, v 3.0

by sbrothier
Inspired in equal measures, by Hurricane Katrina, Buster Keaton, The Wizard of Oz, and a love for books, "Morris Lessmore" is a story of people who devote their lives to books and books who return the favor. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore is a poignant, humorous allegory about the curative powers of story. Using a variety of techniques (miniatures, computer animation, 2D animation), award-winning author/illustrator William Joyce and Co-director Brandon Oldenburg present a hybrid style of animation that harkens back to silent films and M-G-M Technicolor musicals. "Morris Lessmore" is old-fashioned and cutting edge at the same time. "Morris" was awarded the OscarÂź for Best Animated Short Film in the 84th Academy AwardsÂź.

Babel | Babel, the cat who would be King - Interactive book for children

by sbrothier
«Babel est un vieux chat grincheux et pas malin pour un sou !»... Ainsi commence l’histoire rocambolesque d’un chat mĂ©galomane qui, jaloux des nuages, passe ses journĂ©es Ă  les embĂȘter. Histoire passionnante et ludique, Babel est un livre entiĂšrement imaginĂ© et conçu pour plaire Ă  un trĂšs jeune public (2 Ă  8 ans). GrĂące Ă  un univers riche et colorĂ© et aux trĂšs nombreuses interactions, l’enfant peut participer Ă  l’histoire d’une façon toute Ă  fait unique et captivante.

AREAWARE Cubebot - Medium - Style # DWC1, Modern and contemporary kid's accessories at

by sbrothier
Robot toys are usually made of plastic and require batteries - but not this one! Inspired by the Japanese Shinto Kumi-ki puzzles, the Cubebot is a non-traditional take on the toy robot by joining ancient Japanese traditions with contemporary toy culture.

e-Toiles | Maison d'éditions numériques

by sbrothier & 1 other
Dans mon rĂȘve racontĂ© par Tom Novembre


The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog | LEGO news, custom creations, MOCs, set reviews, and more!

by sbrothier & 2 others
The Brothers Brick is a LEGO blog for adult fans of LEGO. Though we started out back in 2005 featuring mainly minifigs, today we highlight the best LEGO creations of every type from builders around the world, including ever-popular LEGO Star Wars, steampunk, and mecha creations. You can also find the latest LEGO news, opinions, and reviews right here on The Brothers Brick.

Portraits and Dreams: A Revisitation by Wendy Ewald and Elizabeth Barret - United States Artists - Great art forms here

by sbrothier
In partnership with the Appalachian Program at Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, Wendy Ewald and Elizabeth Barret were awarded $40,000 by the National Endowment for the Arts for Portraits and Dreams: A Revisitation. We need to raise $20,000 to match the NEA award. Your generous donations will support the creation of new work as well as collaboration between two artists and community members in rural Appalachia.

An Ex-Pixar Designer Creates Astounding Kids' Book On iPad | Co.Design

by sbrothier & 2 others
E-books are already a fraught subject for many readers, writers, publishers and designers, but children's e-books are even more so. Is it rotting their minds? Is it as good as good ol' paper? Is it too interactive for their own good? Obviously there are no practical answers to such questions, but at least one children's e-book/app/thingie (what do we call these things, again?) is doing it very, very right. It's called "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore," and it's like a well-written bedtime story and an immersive animated movie at once -- without being "too much" of either.


by sbrothier & 1 other
The funniest game ever made ! Get amazed throughout 14 mini-games and many treasures to be found. A game for everyone !

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invalides +   occuper +   pelouse +   pĂ©tanque +   recettes +   roller +  

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