November 2006
Marketing for Geeks
by bader & 1 otherThis page serves as the table of contents for my series of articles entitled "Marketing for Geeks". The central theme here is that if we demystify marketing, it can be competently done by technical people. The series is still being written, with new articles coming soon to an RSS feed near you.
August 2006
Strong Typing vs. Strong Testing
by YukuanMarkIn recent years my primary interest has become programmer productivity. Programmer cycles are expensive, CPU cycles are cheap, and I believe that we should no longer pay for the latter with the former.
by YukuanMark我總會有時候什麼事都做不了。 我當然還是會去上班,不過卻是到處閒逛,每10秒就收一次信,逛逛網站,甚至做些付信用卡帳單之類不用動腦的事。什麼都做就是沒法子進入狀況回來寫程式。
(5 marks)