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PUBLIC MARKS with tags evento & video

February 2006

Casual Game Design » Game design at Casuality Europe

by bcpbcp
# Make it really hard. # Have a dozen mediocre game modes instead of one good one. # Make it a 600 MB download that requires two next generation video cards and 4GB RAM. # Price your game at $35 or $3.50 and sell only from your myspace homepage. # Use the right mouse button. # Give it a terrible name or theme. # Award low scores. # Expect users to read. # Make it challenging and cerebral. # Ignore what everyone else says about your game.

January 2006

by bcpbcp (via)
ACM is hosting a two-day video game symposium on 29 July and 30 July in 2006, co-located with SIGGRAPH 06 in Boston, MA, USA. The symposium will consist of keynotes, panels and papers. In addition, a "Hot Games" session will preview unreleased titles from major game companies and indie developers.

Slashdot | Sex in Games Conference Announced

by bcpbcp
According to the group putting it on, the conference is to 'focus on the design, development, and technology of sex in video games from a national as well as international perspective.'

October 2005

Montréal International Game Summit

by bcpbcp (via)
Video games are emerging as the dominant form of art and entertainment of the 21st century, enjoyed by hundreds of millions of players worldwide. As a culturally potent and expressive medium, developers should be able to explore all aspects of the human condition - as we see in film, literature, etc.

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last mark : 18/02/2006 23:08