Advertising for Better SEO Rankings, Does It Work in Australia
by matryxweb (via)2016
Google rompt avec les annonceurs porno — Le Tag Parfait
by sbrothierAll sent and received e-mails in Gmail will be analyzed, says Google | Ars Technica
by sbrothier & 1 other2012
RichCommerce.fr » Archive du blog » Vers une standardisation des bannières riches mobiles » RichCommerce.fr
by sbrothierHome | Project Re: Brief by Google
by sbrothier & 1 other2010
ダブルクリックを完全子会社化:トランスコスモスと米Googleの争いが終結へ - ITmedia エンタープライズ
by kuroyagi【レポート】BingがiPhoneのデフォルト検索エンジンに!? - AppleがMSと提携を模索 (1) Googleに依存しすぎたApple | パソコン | マイコミジャーナル
by kuroyagi【コラム】欧州から眺めるITトレンド (45) イノベーションは文化の敵!? - フランスで持ち上がる"Google税" | 経営 | マイコミジャーナル
by kuroyagi2009
Official Google Blog: 30,000 new Google Apps business users at Valeo
by night.kameThis marks a significant moment for Google Apps, because Valeo has 30,000 Internet-connected employees, making this one of the largest enterprise deployments of Google Apps to date. Valeo is moving to the cloud
Bientôt, Google Suggests powered by Valeo. On n'aura même plus besoin de faire de la veille techno.
How To Setup Google Ad Manager on Your Blog/Website | hongkiat.com
by simon_bricoloBlip.fm | salsero | El General – El Tiburon
by kemar2008
TechCrunch en français » Yahoo se jette dans les bras de Google, perd trois têtes et voit son action chuter
by sbrothierGoogle and Ad Conglomerate Teaming Up - New York Times
by sbrothierIt is possible that what emerges could drive the development of ‘open source advertising,’ ” Mr. Schmidt said, if the tools were made widely available. Google, which makes much of its money by placing ads on particular Web sites for other companies, promotes the adoption of common technical standards.