public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ia & UserExperience


Card Games for Information Architects

by simon_bricolo
This article reviews 6 simple but powerful research techniques you can use to improve the information architecture of your product or web site. None of these activities require a computer. You simply need a bunch of cards, a participant and a desk.



by simon_bricolo & 2 others
web-based software application for remote online card sorting


A common language for interaction design |

by simon_bricolo
A common language for interaction design would improve the clarity and speed at which we communicate design.

Au service de l'Expérience Utilisateur |

by simon_bricolo
Version français du schéma de JJ Garrett sur "The elements of User Experience". Uniquement utile pour le vocabulaire francophone. (je sais cette note ne veut rien dire...)


Boxes and Arrows

by pablo.sanchez & 16 others
Boxes and Arrows is devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design; including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture and the design of business.


InfoDesign: Understanding by Design

by Sheino & 2 others
Blog about Accessibility, HCI, Information architecture, Information design, Interaction design, Mobile design, Visual design and User experience.

Jesse James Garrett:

by Sheino & 2 others
Site from the founder of Adaptive Path.

Boxes and Arrows: All How to: Deliverables & Documentation Articles

by Sheino
Tips, techniques and step-by-step guides to creating effective deliverables.

Boxes and Arrows: All How to: Methods & Approaches Articles

by Sheino
When should you do a low-fidelity prototype? How about a site index? How does your work need to integrate with the branding? We look at both strategies for approaching problems and tactics for implementing solutions.

Active users

last mark : 30/08/2010 09:34

last mark : 09/11/2006 11:41

last mark : 16/11/2005 22:09

last mark : 26/09/2005 06:30

last mark : 10/08/2005 06:33