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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ie & bookmarklet


Geekmonkey userscript injector

by ycc2106
Userscripts are great, but not everyone can use them. If you can, get and add Greasemonkey. Safari has CreamMonkey or PithHelmet, and Opera has userscript support built in. But what if you are using Camino? Or Internet Exploder? For these people, I introduce the GeekMonkey userscript injector. Simply drag this bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar, and click on it while on any page that has a userscript on it. Any userscripts will automatically be turned into bookmarklets, which you can click anywhere you want.

Bookmarklet Coding › Left Logic

by ycc2106
if you want your bookmarklet to work in all browsers, it has to adhere to length limits: * IE 5 - 2084 bytes * IE 6 - 508 bytes * IE 6 SP 2 - 488 bytes * IE 7 - 2084 bytes * Firefox Safari - > 2000 bytes IE6 has the smallest length, and that includes the javascript: pseudo protocol. Annotated link

IE6ify Bookmarklet

by ycc2106
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites. Since it’s not possible to run IE6 natively on Windows Vista or 7 and IE6 in Linux Wine is a nightmare, I figured a lot of you would miss the old days. With IE6ify you can break any website in true IE6 fashion.

IE6ify Bookmarklet

by marco
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites




Web Development Bookmarklets

by asiamoth & 21 others

最速インターフェース研究会 :: IEにFirefox風検索バーをくっつけるBookmarklet

by asiamoth

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