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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ie & internet


IE NetRenderer - Browser Compatibility Check -

by Krome & 2 others
IE NetRenderer allows you to check how a website is rendered by Internet Explorer 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5.5, as seen from a high speed datacenter located in Germany. Just type in a URL in the field above and try it out - it's free!




by julie (via)

Veuillez visualiser ce site web dans sa version optimisée,

sous Internet Explorer version 6 ou 7.

Ou bien utilisez l'option IE Tab de FIREFOX pour visualiser ce site dans de bonnes conditions.

Téléchargez ici IE Tab FIREFOX

Reinspire :: Using Transparent PNGs in Internet Explorer

by naudjf (via)
the AlphaImageLoader uses the path of the html doc that calls it, not the path of the CSS document,


Lunascape, le browser multi-moteur | Korben

by camel (via)
Si vous êtes développeur de site web, vous avez surement pris l’habitude de tester votre site sur différents navigateurs internet. Très bonne idée ! Vous avez donc installé un Firefox 2, un Firefox 3, un Safari, un Chrome et bien sur toutes les Internet Explorer de la version 4 à la version 8… Très bien tout ça… Mais si maintenant je vous disais qu’il existe sous Windows un navigateur web qui rassemble les moteurs de ces principaux browser ? Lunascape 5.0 alpha intègre en effet au sein d’un même browser, les moteurs de IE (Trident - ??), Chrome/Safari (Webkit) et Firefox (Gecko). Pratique pour tester tout un tas de chose sans avoir à lancer 10 browsers en même temps.

Grenelle du Très Haut Débit : consternation - Standblog

by sammyfisherjr
Grennelle du haut débit et inscriptions seulement sur IE7....

IE WebDeveloper - DOM Inspector, Script Console, Logging messages and HTTP Monitor

by camel
IE WebDeveloper is an add-on for Microsoft Internet Explorer. The rich web debugging toolset allows you to inspect and edit the live HTML DOM and current cascaded styles, evaluate expressions and display error messages, log messages, explore source code of webpage and monitor DHTML Event and HTTP Traffic.

Too Cool for Internet Explorer

by maxxyme & 8 others
The site you are trying to view has been deemed "Too Cool for Internet Explorer". Please Take a Moment to Try One of These Great Browsers.

ie7-js - Google Code

by Conseil.Net Groupe I.D.A & 14 others
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.

ie7-js - Google Code

by camel & 14 others (via)
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.


by cyborgjeff & 37 others
Outil pour les développeurs Web qui permet d'émuler les anciennes versions (4 à 6) d'Ineternet Explorer

Internet Explorer 6 における CSS の拡張

by oqdbpo & 1 other
インライン 要素の width および height SPAN、B、および I などのインライン 要素は、width や height プロパティをサポートしません。標準準拠モードを有効にして、インライン 要素の width や height プロパティを設定するには、インライン 要素の display プロパティを inline-block に設定します。

OpenLaszlo | the premier open-source platform for rich internet applications

by stan & 31 others
OpenLaszlo is an open source platform for creating zero-install web applications with the user interface capabilities of desktop client software. OpenLaszlo programs are written in XML and JavaScript and transparently compiled to Flash and, with OpenLaszlo 4, DHTML. The OpenLaszlo APIs provide animation, layout, data binding, server communication, and declarative UI. An OpenLaszlo application can be as short as a single source file, or factored into multiple files that define reusable classes and libraries. OpenLaszlo is "write once, run everywhere." An OpenLaszlo application developed on one machine will run on all leading Web browsers on all leading desktop operating systems.

Install multiple versions of IE on your PC | TredoSoft

by nhoizey & 37 others
It is possible to run Internet Explorer in standalone mode without having to over-write previous versions


Outils ressources ADSL

by meetic
outils pour une connexion internet optimal (test connection)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ie

delicious +   it +   microsoft +   zh +  

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Conseil.Net Groupe I.D.A
last mark : 22/12/2008 18:27

last mark : 14/12/2007 15:33

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