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PUBLIC MARKS with tags java & sql




SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page

by rmaltete & 6 others
Overview SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc, see Introduction. The minimum version of Java supported is 1.5.x as of SQuirreL version 2.4. See the Old Versions page for versions of SQuirreL that will work with older versions of Java. SQuirreL's functionality can be extended through the use of plugins.


SQL Formatter / SQLFormatter formats SQL Statements

by ycc2106 & 2 others
Automatic java SQL code formatter for all major databases (ORACLE, SQL Server, DB2 / UDB, Sybase, Informix, PostgreSQL, MySQL etc) with many formatting options.

P6Spy Open Source Software

by Elryk & 1 other (via)
Ce wrapper de connexion jdbc Permet d'espionner toutes les requêtes SQL.



by rmaltete & 5 others
Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence and query service. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and collections. Hibernate allows you to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria and Example API.Unlike many other persistence solutions, Hibernate does not hide the power of SQL from you and guarantees that your investment in relational technology and knowledge is as valid as always. The LGPL open source license allows the use of Hibernate and NHibernate in open source and commercial projects.Hibernate is a Professional Open Source project and a critical component of the JBoss Enterprise Middleware System (JEMS) suite of products. JBoss, a division of Red Hat, offers a range of 24x7 Professional Support, Consulting, and Training services to assist you with Hibernate.


by holyver (via)
PolePosition is a benchmark test suite to compare database engines and object-relational mapping technology. As of today it is by no means complete. Database vendors and open source database project participants are invited to improve the test implementations and to contribute further disciplines ("Circuits"). The PolePosition framework source code will help to implement own tests quickly and to time and output the results as number series and graphic visualisations.

Le guide des langages Web - Accueil

by aromino & 1 other
les cours proposés portent sur des langages de balisage et de présentation (XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT), des langages de script (Javascript/JScript, VBScript), et des plateformes de développement (PHP, ASP) et d'autres langages de programmation (Java, SQL,

Inserting records into the Database with Java Servlets

by heyvoon
This article is next in the series of articles about selecting, inserting, updating and deleting records from the database using JDBC. In this article we will learn how to insert records into the database. If you have followed my earlier article about 'Displaying Records from the Database' then this article is not going to be difficult at all. 90% of the code will be same. So if you haven't read that article then I will suggest that you go through that article before starting this one as quite a few important things have been explained in detail there.

L' Altruiste - Le guide des langages Web

by Elryk & 1 other
Cours sur des langages de balisage et de présentation (XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT), des langages de script (Javascript/JScript, VBScript), et des plateformes de développement (PHP, ASP) et d'autres langages de programmation (Java, SQL, etc.).

Website Security, and Web Application Security News

by xenomorph
Website Security, Phishing, RSS Security, Web Security, Questions, Database Security, Web Server, Security Application, Server Security, Security Documentation, Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injection, Web Services Security, AJAX Security, .NET Security, Java Security, Application Firewalls, IIS Security, Apache Security, Oracle Security, MySQL Security, Microsoft SQL Server Security, URL Scan, Mod Security

PGnJ - OSX PostgreSQL editor

by xenomorph
PGnJ is an application, written in Java, for managing PostgreSQL databases. Unlike many database management applications, PGnJ provides (and will continue to provide more) extended functionality and information by generating and running SQL statements.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag java

database + +   development +   oracle +   PersonalToolbarFolder +   programming +   sql +   system:imported +   tutorial +  

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