public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & X11

December 2006

今天的 Tetralet 又在唧唧喳喳了 | 在 GNU/Linux 上設定字型 (二) - 安裝與設定 X11 字型

by realmip
由於一些(愚不可及)的因素,在 Xorg 裡的 zh_TW.UTF-8 編碼是壞的,所以一些使用 X11 字型的應用程式,像是 XMMS 或是 ePSXe 在 UTF-8 環境下所顯示的全是亂碼。

November 2006

October 2006

September 2006

June 2006

May 2006

March 2006


by alcane
Calculate formula weight and percent of each element for a given formula.


by alcane
Faire des présentations

February 2006

Multiseat X Under X11R6.9/7.0 - Chris Tyler's Blog

by Ganf
Plusieurs personnes sur un même poste avec chacun leur clavier:écran via X11

Journal de gvauvert: Multi-user avec

by Ganf
plusieurs utilisateurs sur un même poste, avec chacun leur écran/clavier sous X11

January 2006

December 2005

October 2005

FreeNX - the free NX

by macroron & 2 others
an exciting new technology for remote display. It provides near local speed application responsiveness over high latency, low bandwidth links.

Can't Get Enough Desktops!

by macroron & 1 other
It is possible to run multiple desktops simultaneously, and it is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

GnomeFiles: Clear Looks Theme - Gnome/Gtk+ Software Repository

by macroron
An attractive gtk engine with a focus on usability. Clearlooks will transform your GNOME desktop into an attractive looking and usable environment.

window managers for x

by macroron & 4 others
guide to window managers and desktop environments for The x window system.

Active users

last mark : 14/12/2006 19:39

last mark : 10/12/2006 00:01

last mark : 12/11/2006 02:22

last mark : 05/11/2006 12:02

last mark : 10/10/2006 11:50

last mark : 23/09/2006 16:24

last mark : 13/03/2006 17:00

last mark : 31/01/2006 20:35

last mark : 30/10/2005 18:02