02 March 2007
Photo - Soulz: Fragments...
by gjoleo (via)The fragment is the most important part of the whole thing! :-)
18 February 2007
Photo - Soulz
by gjole (via)Photo-Soulz is a photo-blog with no specific theme, so it has all kinds of photos ( landscapes, portraits, macro-photos etc.). They are mainly made by using a digital camera ( and rarely an analogue one..). Give it a Look!
08 February 2007
Forum photos regroupant des adorateurs de belles images.
by kanibalVoici un espace offert aux photographes amateurs ou professionnels, pour parler de leur sujet favori : la photo. Vous souhaitez partager vos expériences, présenter vos travaux, discuter matériel et technique.
(3 marks)