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PUBLIC MARKS with tags optimisation & jpeg


Kraken Image Optimizer ·

by Spone
Kraken is a robust, ultra-fast image optimizer and compressor with best-in-class algorithms. We'll save you bandwidth and storage space and will dramatically improve your website’s load times.

JPEGmini - Your Photos on a Diet!

by Spone & 1 other
Reduce photo file size by up to 5x, without compromising quality


PNG and JPG Optimization

by emmanuelc & 3 others
PNG and JPG Optimization, Freewares and Articles for Web

Trimage image compressor

by emmanuelc & 2 others
A cross-platform tool for losslessly optimizing PNG and JPG files.


ImageOptim - a PNG/JPEG graphics optimizer for Mac OS X

by nhoizey & 2 others
"ImageOptim is a front-end (GUI) for set of tools for optimisation of PNG/JPEG images and GIF animations. Optimisation makes files smaller (in terms of disk space) by finding optimal compression parameters and by removing unneccessary information, like file comments, EXIF tags and color profiles."

punypng - PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After Five

by nhoizey & 7 others
punypng is a free optimization service that can dramatically reduce the file size of an image by converting it into a highly-compressed, lossless PNG image. Whether you have a GIF, JPEG or PNG, use punypng for outrageously fast page loads and help make the web more puny!


Performance web » Archive du blog » Optimisation JPEG

by camel
Je vous avais rapidement parlé de pngcrush pour optimiser les images PNG, sans aucune perte de qualité. Stoyan Stefanov nous propose jpegtrans dans sa dernière présentation sur l’optimisation des images. Le principe est le même : un petit outil en ligne de commande qui optimise l’image sans aucune perte de qualité. Celui ci ne touche donc pas à la compression de l’image elle-même, mais retire toutes les méta-données embarquées dans le fichier.

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