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PUBLIC MARKS with tags plugin & tutorial



📛 FIR / CHROME - ADDON - ANTI FAKE TOOL - InVID Verification Plugin - InVID project

by decembre (via)
This toolkit is provided by the InVID european project to help journalists to verify content on social networks (please note that external InVID services used via this interface, such as those presented under the Analysis and Keyframes tabs, are not open-sourced). It has been designed as a verification “Swiss army knife” helping journalists to save time and be more efficient in their fact-checking and debunking tasks on social networks especially when verifying videos and images. The provided tools allow you to quickly get contextual information on Facebook and YouTube videos, to perform reverse image search on Google, Baidu or Yandex search engines, to fragment videos from various platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Daily Motion) into keyframes, to enhance and explore keyframes and images through a magnifying lens, to query Twitter more efficiently through time intervals and many other filters, to read video and image metadata, to check the video copyrights, and to apply forensic filters on still images. The main features of the toolkit are explained below, and in the following tutorial video.



Arduino Unleashed - CodeProject

by JJL (via)
using eclipse for arduino This article is all about empowering you with more powerful tools that let you unleash your creativity without being limited by the default IDE.



How to create a plugin for jQuery | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding

by shinze
Un tutoriel simple sur la réalisation de plugin pour jquery

How to get your MySQL Munin Graphs working

by lecyborg
I run a few cPanel servers and run Munin as my resource monitor. At the time I wrote this the version included with cPanel was munin 1.24. Ever since I have installed the plugin from cPanel it would monitor MySQL upon first install and then stop if the server was reboot. Uninstalling and reinstalling would once again get Munin to monitor MySQL but having to uninstall and reinstall just for a reboot, just did not seem like something that you should have to do. After many months of on and off testing this is the fix I have come up with.


Convert and display Flash video

by lecyborg
So you want to publish that nice family video in your page/blog/intranet without forcing your visitors to download, install and activate some obscure browser plugin and *then* wait for a 200MB download
 Well.. That’s easy as cake! First, let’s use ffmpeg to convert the video from avi, mpg or mov to something that we can stream to a nice Flash video player:

Annuaire avec Forms & Tables - SPIP - Contrib

by hobbes & 1 other
Exemple concret de crĂ©ation d’un annuaire style « page jaune », qui peut servir aussi de pas Ă  pas pour le plugin Forms & Tables

Formation plugins SPIP - TechnOlogie GGG

by hobbes
Cette formation vous permet de repartir avec la capacitĂ©, non seulement de dĂ©velopper autant de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s que dĂ©sirĂ©es pour vos sites web collaboratifs ou commerçants, mais Ă©galement, et surtout, de proposer des plugins compatibles et normalisĂ©s par rapport Ă  l’état de l’art que tout spipeur se doit de maĂźtriser.

RĂ©aliser un premier plugin - SPIP

by hobbes & 3 others
fonctions : contient le nom d’un fichier qui sera chargĂ© Ă  chaque recalcul. C’est l’équivalent pour chaque plugin, du fichier mes_fonctions.php. Il n’est donc utilisĂ© que pour le site public, puisque qu’il n’est appelĂ© qu’en cas de calcul du cache. On y mettra typiquement des filtres ou des dĂ©finition de balises, de critĂšres. - options : contient le nom d’un fichier qui sera chargĂ© Ă  chaque appel de page . C’est l’équivalent pour chaque plugin, du fichier mes_options.php. Il est aussi utilisĂ© dans l’interface privĂ©e Ă  chaque appel de page.

Snap Preview Anywhere Plugin

by lecyborg & 3 others
La page permettant d'installer la preview Snap dans Wordpress

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