17 October 2006
by YukuanMark本書介紹了自律型機器人的種類,製作機器人所必須的電子元器件及其電路,H8微型機架構及插件板,機器人的五感及手、腳架構,相撲機器人、直線追蹤型機器人、小型機器人的製作。
14 October 2006
Behavior-Based Robotics
by YukuanMarkThis introduction to the principles, design, and practice of intelligent behavior-based autonomous robotic systems is the first true survey of this robotics field. The author presents the tools and techniques central to the development of this class of sy
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots
by YukuanMarkMobile robots range from the teleoperated Sojourner on the Mars Pathfinder mission to cleaning robots in the Paris Metro. Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots offers students and other interested readers an overview of the technology of mobility -- th
by YukuanMark任何成功的機器人的設計涉及到運動學、信號分析、信息論、人工智能和概率論等多個不同學科的綜合。為此,本書提出了在一系列交互模塊中,使移動性成為可能的技術和製作工藝。隨著各章
09 October 2006
Robot Programming : A Practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics
by YukuanMarkJones, one of the inventors of the first widely adopted consumer robot,introduces the history and theory behind behavior-based programming, teaches skills needed for programming a robot, and provides readers with a virtual robot on a web site to test prog
(5 marks)