August 2023
November 2022
January 2021
March 2020
February 2020
September 2018
Liquid reference
by NiMeExplications et éléments de référence sur le langage de template Liquid (écrit en Ruby) utilisé sur Shopify et sur Jekyll notamment
August 2018
GitHub - eaglestone/minecraft-pi-ruby: Control Minecraft Pi Edition using Ruby
by NiMeRuby pour Minecraft Pi
July 2018
January 2018
June 2017
April 2017
Fae CMS | A Flexible, Open-Source, Ruby On Rails CMS Engine
by SponeLike many Rails CMS engines, Fae delivers all the basics to get you up and running: authentication/authorization, a responsive UI, form helpers and workflows. But unlike other engines, Fae generates models, controllers, and views into your app that inherit from its core classes. That’s what enables Fae to work by default with almost no coding. And when it’s time to customize a single view or an entire section, it can be done in a way that will feel familiar to most Rails developers.