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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "semantic web" & tag

2009 - Webservice that tags your resources

by Xavier Lacot & 5 others is a simple webservice that helps you in tagging textual content on and off the web


We need a tag evolution « Faviki Blog

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
The problem with both keywords and tags is that they are just words. But what would happen if, instead of words, we used objects? What if we used unique concepts that would always and everywhere have the same name and would refer to the specific object?

by Xavier Lacot
An ontology that describes tags, as used in the popular and Flickr systems, and allows for relationships between tags to be described.


by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
MOAT (Meaning Of A Tag) provides a Semantic Web framework to publish semantically-annotated content from free-tagging.



by Xavier Lacot
"The problem of where to file: Is it possible to construct the perfect classification system?"

Ladies and gentlemen : Machine tags

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
We are rolling out a new feature called "machine tags" that allows users to be more precise in how they tag, and how they search, their photos.


Where tagging meets the Semantic Web - GSWB

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Were things are said about tags and ontologies


Tag, Taxonomie et DotClear

by benoit & 6 others (via)
<blockquote><p>On peut lire beaucoup de choses contradictoires sur les carnets Web qui touchent aux tags (étiquettes), aux taxonomies, au Web sémantique. Dépendant du camp dans lequel on se trouve, les opinions diffèrent. Une mythologie se développent petit à petit des deux côtés.</p></blockquote>

by benoit & 17 others
"It's a thought experiment embodied in software from Siderean, a company that creates faceted classification systems for big-ass enterprises."

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "semantic web"

blog +   clevermarks +   commentaires +   foaf +   groupe:clever age +   http +   learning +   machine +   microblogging +   sioc +   tag +   web +   web 3.0 +   web de zéro +   xml +  

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 08/03/2009 22:46

last mark : 04/07/2005 21:09