April 2010
December 2009
April 2009
January 2009
December 2008
November 2008
ARQ - Property Paths
by greutA property path expression (or just 'path') is similar to a string regular expression but over properties, not characters. ARQ determines all matches of a path expression and binds subject or object as appropriate. Only one match is recorded - no duplicates for any given path expression, although is the path is used in a situation where it's initial points is already repeated in a pattern, then this duplication is preserved.
RegExp ou XPath appliqué à un graphe? Intéressant, mais peut-être abscons.
October 2008
SearchMonkey - YDN
by krachot & 2 othersThe Freebase Blog » Blog Archive » A Brief Tour of Graphd
by greutFreebase.com is powered by a tuple store called graphd. Graphd is a C/Unix server which processes commands in a simple template-based query language.
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