07 January 2006
06 January 2006
03 January 2006
Welcome to Netvibes! - your personalized browser start page,
by macroron & 395 othersyou can now modify everything: move modules, add new RSS/ATOM feeds, change the parameters for each module, etc. Your modifications are saved in real-time and you'll find your page when you get back on Netvibes.com. If you want to be able to access your p
26 December 2005
Google Widget Directory - Google Module Directory (Unofficial) - Learn how to install a Google Homepage Module that is inline.
by macrorona directory of Google Homepage Modules. We prefer the name widget as you can probably tell. In the future we plan to expand the directory to be able to handle other plugins from other sites, which is why we use the name widget.
21 December 2005
20 December 2005
05 December 2005
Protopage Version 2.0 - now with RSS feeds, rich text editing, and virtual pages that can be individually shared or kept private.
by macroron & 44 otherspersonalized news + sticky notes + bookmarks, all on one page. free AJAX start pages now with RSS news feeds, sticky notes and bookmarks
Protopage Blog
by macroron & 1 otherpersonalized news + sticky notes + bookmarks, all on one page. free AJAX start pages now with RSS news feeds, sticky notes and bookmarks
(9 marks)