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PUBLIC MARKS with tags system & security


Brace Yourself for Kaspersky’s “Hack-proof” Operating System

by alamat & 1 other (via)
Kaspersky is a security software developer and cyber security firm that is trusted by people globally. So, when the company states that it has created a hack-proof operating system, users are bound to feel overjoyed.



Best Way To Find Iis Servers?

by brianwaustin
Beginners guide to DFind command syntax.

Overview to the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide

by brianwaustin (via)
The Windows Server 2003 Security Guide provides specific recommendations about how to harden computers that run Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) in three distinct enterprise environments—one in which older operating systems such as Windows NT® 4.0 and Windows® 98 must be supported, one in which Windows 2000 is the earliest version of the Windows operating system in use, and one in which concern about security is so great that significant loss of client functionality and manageability is considered an acceptable tradeoff to achieve maximum security. These three environments are respectively referred to as the Legacy Client (LC), Enterprise Client (EC), and Specialized Security – Limited Functionality (SSLF) environments throughout this guide.


Helix - Incident Response & Computer Forensics Live CD by e-fense™, Inc.

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Helix is a customized distribution of the Knoppix Live Linux CD. Helix is more than just a bootable live CD. You can still boot into a customized Linux environment that includes customized linux kernels, excellent hardware detection and many applications

Windows Server 2003 產品更新套件內容的說明

by realmip
當安全性補充程式、重大更新、更新程式、更新彙總套件、驅動程式或功能封裝安裝 GDR 版本的檔案時,也會將 Hotfix 檔案複製到 %windir%$hf_mig$ 資料夾中。此動作的目的是,當您日後安裝包含這些檔案之較早版本的 Hotfix 或 Service Pack 時,能夠支援適當檔案的遷移。例如,請考量下列案例: 1.您套用一個安全性補充程式,它會安裝版本號碼為 5.2.3790.1000 之 GDR 版本的 File.dll,並且會將版本號碼為 5.2.3790.1001 之 Hotfix 版本的 File.dll 複製到 %windir%$hf_mig$ 資料夾中。

[Sécurité] Droits d'accès - GNU/Linux - La solution

by holyver & 1 other
Le but de cet article n'est pas de vous apprendre quels droits vous devez positionner sur vos fichiers ou répertoires ni pourquoi. L'utilisation de la gestion des utilisateurs, groupes ou autres ainsi que les permissions accordées, depends de chaque configuration, de la strategie mise en place par l'adminstrateur de votre système et aussi de vos besoins. En revanche dans l'article vous trouverez une brève présentation des droits que le système GNU/Linux utilise ainsi que les commandes utilisées pour le faire.


VNC Password Decrypter

by jlemoine
Comme son nom l'indique, ce petit outil permet de décrypter le mot de passe de VNC. À ne pas mettre entre toutes les mains...


by jlemoine & 1 other
Un groupe de Hackers au style inimitable. Des informations très intéressantes sur la sécurité des serveurs.

Sitemap 1

by bcscyytn
Alarm System: Contacts (Window & Door Switches)


BSI OSS Security Suite

by tiekuhn
NESSUS vulnerability scanner powered live CD security audit system

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