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PUBLIC MARKS with tag tdd




Train with Programming Challenges/Kata | Codewars

by NiMe
Des exercices pour pratiquer le développement


Test Driven Development | Evercraft

by NiMe
You will build out a domain model for a MMORPG called EverCraft for the company Blizzards of the Coast. Just follow the requirements below, pairing and test driving your code of course, and have fun.



It’s not about the unit tests « The Agile Warrior

by night.kame

What does this have to do with unit tests?

/!\ Unit tests != Quality

Absolutely nothing. And that’s my point.

What leads to quality is something much bigger—more than a collection of software engineering techniques or a collection of practices.

When I entered this community I was under the false impression that if you didn’t write software the way I did, you must be doing it wrong.

Instead I discovered a community that cared more about quality than I did, and that I still had a lot to learn about crafting a quality experience.

That’s what this whole things has taught me. It’s not about the practices. It’s about the spirit, intent, and in which they are applied. Used when applicable. Quickly abandoned when not.

Retour aux fondamentaux : la question n'est pas "comment gérer les tests unitaires ?" mais "comment gérer la qualité ?".


Flask-Testing — Flask-Testing v0.3 documentation

by jpcaruana (via)
The Flask-Testing extension provides unit testing utilities for Flask.

Sinon.JS - Versatile standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. No dependencies, works with any unit testing framework.



OCTO talks ! » Démarches de tests fonctionnels

by Nissone
démarches de développement piloté par le test - les différents types d’outils de tests fonctionnels - quelques perspectives sur les outils de tests du futur


by jpcaruana
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing tool for Scala and Java programmers. It is written in Scala, and enables you to write tests in Scala to test either Scala or Java code. It is released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.

The One Fiber Optic Cable No One on the Dig for Tysons Rail Wants to Hit -

by night.kame

And they have snapped, accidentally, dozens of those carriers' lines, because even not-so-secret commercial lines sometimes don't show up on utility maps. Goguen, the utility manager, estimates that the rail project has already hit three dozen lines, sometimes doing no damage and other times grinding work to a halt or cutting power to retailers along Route 7. Even after extensively researching land records and maps and digging more than 600 test holes to determine utility locations, it's hard to avoid accidents on a project of such complexity and in such a busy place, he said.

Voilà ce qui se passe quand on fait de l'agile : ça sprinte, ça sprinte, et 3 ans après, il faut un démineur :-)

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