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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ux & ui



scrollama.js : javascript library for scrollytelling (scrolling + storytelling)

by dzc & 1 other
Scrollama is a modern & lightweight javascript library for scrollytelling (scrolling + storytelling) using IntersectionObserver in favor of scroll events.


Web push notifications - mobiForge

by sbrothier
Web push notifications are the best thing to hit the web since the hyperlink! No kidding, this technology is going to be huge. Until recently web developers could only dream of push enabled web apps.

Messaging is just getting started - Inside Intercom

by sbrothier
Messaging isn’t about text. It’s about conversations. Here’s why the simplest apps on your phone are quickly becoming the most powerful.

It’s Time For Notifications To Get Smart - Inside Intercom

by sbrothier (via)
My phone buzzed. I was somewhere in Iceland. More than ten miles from my car and any other human being. Holding a phone with a dying battery. I turned it on to check Google Maps.

Design is a conversation - Inside Intercom

by sbrothier (via)
Conversation is such a great way of achieving clarity of thought, even if you’re just talking to yourself.


Design in Sketch Then Animate In Keynote — Medium

by sbrothier
We know design is important in today’s uber tech world; but it still happens, in many teams design thinking ends up at a stand still once the deliverables are passed down the chain to marketing or development.

Characteristics of a well designed user interface

by sbrothier
"Designing a good user interface is like tightrope walking: it's all about finding the right balance."

PwC. The right people to get the extraordinary done.

by sbrothier & 2 others
With the right team working with your business, truly extraordinary things can happen, whether it’s helping a domestic airline fly internationally or a major research hospital innovate new ways to combat diseases. From advisory services to assurance, PwC gets the extraordinary done.

Best practices in online captioning

by sbrothier
In 2003–2004, I worked for the TILE project, a university research program in accessibility of “learning objects” in education that was funded by Industry Canada. My topic was “best practices in online captioning,” about which little has been written. I was hoping to have a few demonstration projects to show you, but then again, demonstration projects are pretty much all we've got in online captioning. I did write the following chapters.

Sous-titrage des vidéos: optimiser leur aspect pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur | Qelios Expertise – Accessibilité Web

by sbrothier & 2 others
Les référentiels d’accessibilité indiquent que les sous-titres synchronisés sont des éléments nécessaires à l’accessibilité des vidéos. Ce besoin concerne notamment les personnes en situation de déficience auditive, mais également les personnes ne maîtrisant pas la langue du contenu, ou ayant généralement une compréhension améliorée du contenu vidéo lorsqu’il est sous-titré.

There is No Fold (avec images, tweets) · xiwcx · Storify

by sbrothier
Luke Wroblewski went on a pretty great twitter tear debunking the persistent myth of "the fold" in contemporary (read: multi-device) web design. For posterity, here are all of the tweets including links to the sources.


Nike's New LED Basketball Court in Shanghai | CreativeHunt

by sbrothier
Nike and AKQA built this ultra-flashy LED basketball court with motion sensors that track players' movements. It's called the "House of Mamba", named after Kobe Bryant, and it is the future.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ux

3d +   interactive +   portfolio +   ui +  

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