Web Accessibility Testing: What Can be Tested and How | Karl Groves
by MoniqueWhy I created this resource
This list should not be taken as a stab against tools and tool vendors. I’ve said numerous times that we should do automatic testing first. When done properly, automatic testing offers a degree of efficiency that cannot be matched by other methods. However, that doesn’t mean that we should leave our compliance up to automated testing. As the tables above show, there are 9 WCAG Success Criterion (in Level A and AA) that cannot be tested for in any meaningful manner using a tool. There are another 13 that can be tested for automatically but require a human to verify. Full compliance and risk mitigation always requires the involvement of a skilled professional reviewer, even when you have a tool as well.
Make your site more accessible | CODETUNES
by MoniqueThis article is based on the WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), a worth reading set of recommendations for making Web content more accessible, that is, more friendly for people with disabilities.
L’évaluation de l’accessibilité des sites Web selon le W3C | Accessiblog.fr
by MoniqueLe W3C a publié le 27 mars 2012 un « early draft » d’une méthode harmonisée d’évaluation des sites web. Bonne nouvelle, en apparence, mais on y trouve une petite phrase de rien du tout, qui pourrait bien s’avérer lourde de conséquences.
DingoAccess » Measuring accessibility
by MoniqueThere has been much discussion, and some arguments, about how to determine the accessibility of websites. Unfortunately, this is often polarised around two simplistic choices: A compliance/conformance based approach that usually involves a checklist of criteria; or, some form of user testing by people who have different disabilities and/or who rely on different assistive technologies. Both approaches have their strength and limitations, and neither can provide a reliable declaration about the accessibility of a site on its own.
Worldspace FireEyes « Deque Systems | Software, Training, and Consulting for Web Accessibility and Section 508 Compliance
by MoniqueWorldspace FireEyes is an unprecedented, nextgen web accessibility tool that ensures both static and dynamic content within a web portfolio are compliant with standards such as Section 508, WCAG 1.0, and WCAG 2.0.
Understanding WCAG 2.0
by MoniqueA guide to understanding and implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
W3C Working Group Note 14 October 2010