home of eowave
Chez Eowave, nous créons des instruments innovants pour la musique et les arts interactifs,
des systèmes interactifs pour les danseurs,
des systèmes de captation pour les installations interactives,
des sytèmes interactifs pour les musées et l'événementiel,
des systèmes interactifs pour les vitrines et la PLV,
des systèmes interactifs pour les jeux vidéo,
nous développons des systèmes interactifs pour que vos idées deviennent réalité..
Granular Synthesis: Resource Site
This resource has been designed for composers, musicians, researchers and anyone who has an interest in sound design and
musical composition using granular synthesis.
It features music, forums, software and guides on what granular synthesis is and how it can be used for creating
music and soundscapes. It also covers control mechanisms and instrument building using granular synthesis as a sound source.
Feel free to use these resources for research, musical composition, and discussions.
MIDI and Music Synthesis Tutorial
The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol has been widely accepted and utilized by musicians and composers since its conception in 1983. MIDI data is a very efficient method of representing musical performance information, and this makes MIDI an attractive protocol not only for composers or performers, but also for computer applications which produce sound, such as multimedia presentations or computer games. However, the lack of standardization of synthesizer capabilities hindered applications developers and presented new MIDI users with a rather steep learning curve to overcome.
Orgue de barbarie et limonaire Odin orgues de barbarie à anches
Établissement ODIN : Manufacture d'Orgues de Barbarie à flutes et à anches, à lecture mécanique
79, Le Crêt Pendu 42170 Saint Just-Saint Rambert France Tel 33(0)
eowave instruments midi sensors & analogue instruments for todays musician
analogue hardware
sensor systems
(8 marks)