public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Emaux with tag "informatique musicale"




ESCOM European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music

L'ESCOM est la Société Européenne pour les Sciences Cognitives de la Musique, une association internationale sans but lucratif dont l'intention est de promouvoir les recherches théorique, expérimentale et appliquée en matière de sciences cognitives de la musique. L'association encourage l'étude de la perception et de la cognition de la musique ainsi que les collaborations européennes et internationales dans le domaine des sciences cognitives de la musique.




SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server. SuperCollider was written by James McCartney over a period of many years, and is now an open source (GPL) project maintained and developed by various people. It is used by musicians, scientists, and artists working with sound.

MuSync – Synchronous Realtime Processing & Programming of Music Signals

MuSync is a joint research project between Ircam, INRIA and CNRS since January 2012. MuSync is hosted within the Musical Representation Group at Ircam. The MuSync project lies at the intersection of two important problems in Computer Music: Realtime Recognition and Extraction of musical data from audio signals. (Machine Listening). Ongoing projects include Score Following, Realtime Transcription, and Music Information Geometry. Realtime Synchronous Programming in Computer Music. Development of a computer language for artists that reacts in live interaction with an outside environment. The language in Antescofo attempts to create such possibilities.

Guido Engine Library

The GUIDO Music Notation Format is a formal language for score level music representation. It is a plain-text, i.e. readable and platform independent format capable of representing all information contained in conventional musical scores. The basic GUIDO Format is very flexible and can be easily extended and adapted to capture a wide variety of musical features beyond conventional musical notation (CMN). The GUIDO design is strongly influenced by the objective to facilitate an adequate representation of musical material, from tiny motives up to complex symphonic scores. GUIDO is a general purpose musical notation format; the intended range of application includes notation software, compositional and analytical systems and tools, performance systems, and large musical databases.

pyo - Python digital signal processing module. - Google Project Hosting

pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation. pyo is a Python module containing classes for a wide variety of audio signal processing types. With pyo, user will be able to include signal processing chains directly in Python scripts or projects, and to manipulate them in real time through the interpreter. Tools in pyo module offer primitives, like mathematical operations on audio signal, basic signal processing (filters, delays, synthesis generators, etc.), but also complex algorithms to create sound granulation and others creative audio manipulations. pyo supports OSC protocol (Open Sound Control), to ease communications between softwares, and MIDI protocol, for generating sound events and controlling process parameters. pyo allows creation of sophisticated signal processing chains with all the benefits of a mature, and wildly used, general programming language. Systems : OS X (10.5, 10.6, 10.7), linux, Windows (XP, Vista, Seven)

Max Objects Database

Welcome to the Max Objects DataBase ! This site is designed to find objects, patches, applications, etc... from Max universe (Max/MSP, Jitter,...). Just as an indication, some objects are listed to be available on Pure Data as well. If you register, you could add objects, libraries, comments and news. You could edit or delete the data you added. Registering is free and safe; already 4872 members are registered.

Rosegarden: music software for Linux

Rosegarden is a well-rounded audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor, and general-purpose music composition and editing environment.


music theory, composition, and music technology course materials by Keith Kothman

CICM - Centre de recherche Informatique et Création Musicale

Le CICM est une équipe bi-localisée entre l'Université Paris VIII et la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord. Le CICM est rattaché à l'équipe d'accueil n° 1572 "Esthétique, musicologie et créations musicales", Ecole Doctorale "Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts" de l'Université de Paris VIII. Le CICM constitue la structure fondamentale d'accueil et de support des travaux de troisième cycle (doctorat) orientés vers les nouvelles technologies, dans la discipline Musique/Musicologie.

Atiam | Parcours du Master sciences et Technologies – UPMC / Ircam / Télécom

Formation conçue pour délivrer les bases scientifiques et la culture musicale permettant d’aborder les recherches dans les domaines de l’acoustique musicale, du traitement du signal sonore et de l’informatique musicale. Elle existe depuis quinze ans et ses débouchés se trouvent principalement dans la recherche et l’enseignement, mais aussi dans l’industrie, dans les domaines du son et de la musique.

Digital Music online course - INTRO

Basic Concepts of Digital Music Author: Gianni Corino Digital Representation of Sound Editing MIDI and Sequencers Additive Synthesis Technique Basic Frequency Modulation Synthesis Technique Advanced FM Synthesis Computational Models of Music Author: Eduardo Reck Miranda Artificial Intelligence and Music Introduction to Cellular Automata Music Research Chaosynth - A Cellular Automata-based Composition Example Essay in 12 Paragraphs: Sounds of the Brain

OverviewBanners2 (Field)

Field is a development environment for experimental code and digital art in the broadest of possible senses. While there are a great many development environments and digital art tools out there today, this one has been constructed with two key principles in mind: Embrace and extend — rather than make a personal, private and pristine code utopia, Field tries to bridge to as many libraries, programming languages, and ways of doing things as possible. The world doesn't necessarily need another programming language or serial port library, nor do we have to pick and choose between data-flow systems, graphical user interfaces or purely textual programming — we can have it all in the right environment and we can both leverage the work of others and take control of our own tools and methods. Live code makes anything possible — Field tries to replace as many "features" with editable code as it can. Its programming language of choice is Python — a world class, highly respected and incredibly flexible language. As such, Field is intensely customizable, with the glue between interface objects and data modifiable inside Field itself. Field takes seriously the idea that its user — you — are a programmer / artist doing serious work and that you should be able to reconfigure your tools to suit your domain and style as closely as possible.

SoftSynth - music and computers

SoftSynth provides audio solutions for desktops, mobile devices and the web. Our products include a Polyphonic Ringtone Engine from Mobileer Inc. and JSyn.

Small But Digital - The MidiBus

The MidiBus is a MIDI library for Processing. It provides a quick and simple way to access and interact with installed MIDI system resources. The MidiBus is aimed primarily at real time MIDI applications. The focus is on strong MIDI I/O capabilities and keeping frills to a minimum (e.g. currently no built in sequencer, file read/write, MIDI recording/playback).