March 2013
A complete guide to web accessibility for content authors | Access iQ
A practical resource for content authors that shows you how to comply with WCAG 2.0. Each topic explains what you need to do, why you need to do it and how to do it in easy-to-understand language.
January 2013
The Importance Of HTML5 Sectioning Elements | Smashing Coding
Make no mistake: Sectioning elements help you improve document structure, and they’re in the spec’ to stay. Once and for all, I will be exploring the problems these elements solve, the opportunities they offer and their important but misunderstood contribution to the semantic Web.
5 alternatives aux captchas traditionnels - Le blog du Modérateur
des alternatives originales et efficaces aux captchas traditionnels
Entre accessibilité et utilisabilité : découvrez le MIPAW ! : fittsize-me
Initié dans le cadre des activités du GTA AccessiWeb (Groupe de Travail sur l’Accessibilité) dont j’ai le plaisir de faire partie, le MIPAW est un projet destiné à élaborer des méthodologies d’amélioration progressives, des systèmes de mesure, de suivi et de gestion de la qualité de l’accessibilité.
Accessibilité des vidéos sur le web: les sous-titres
December 2012
Accessibilité. CCSM propose une loupe bien pensée
l'outil loupe (magnifer) que l'on trouve dans le gestionnaire de fenêtres Compiz, compizconfig-settings-manager
Demystifying Accessibility | Jet Cooper
My biggest overall takeaway from this experience was how inaccessible many sites are, and how frustrating it must be to a person with certain disabilities to regularly have poor web experiences. As developers, it’s our job to keep this in mind when creating any site, whether it “needs to be accessible” or not. You can bet that these lessons are being baked back into our work. Hopefully some of these will make it into your next projects as well.
November 2012
Accessibility is part of UX (it isn’t a swear word) – Humanising Technology Blog
The reality is that accessibility is simply a key part of UX. A truly outstanding digital experience is a fusion of accessibility, usability, creativity and technology. The trick is to weave those things together, and to do that successfully there needs to be a cross pollination of skills and expertise.
The good news is that accessibility is usability under a magnifying glass. If you’re thinking about great usability, the chances are that you’re already thinking about great accessibility too.
Réflexions sur les approches centrées Utilisateurs, l'ergonomie et l'accessibilité numérique
NVDA 2012 and accessible PDF tables
It's no exaggeration to say that the recently released NVDA upgrade is a huge step forward for PDF accessibility. With respect to tables, NVDA now matches JAWS in almost every way that matters, and in some respects it is significantly better. NVDA is now a realistic alternative to JAWS.
Prendre en compte l'accessibilité dans vos projets » Webdesign Friday (#wdfr)
Vous êtes designer, intégrateur, concepteur d’interfaces ou chef de projet. De votre compétence dépend l’accessibilité des services et applications que vous développez. Faisons un point sur cette notion et voyons comment vous allez pouvoir la prendre en compte.
100 Killer Web Accessibility Resources: Blogs, Forums and Tutorials | WHdb
by 1 otherHandicap et TICE - Accessibilité numérique
Ce dossier porte principalement sur la production, la diffusion et les usages de ressources numériques adaptées aux élèves et aux étudiants handicapés.
October 2012
NVDA screenreader keyboard helpers | Stamford Interactive
This one is for testers who use NVDA, a free screenreader, to test online content for any access issues.
Why Is Accessibility So Hard? | November 2012 | Communications of the ACM
Vinton CerfIn my experience, the range of parameters devised is fairly large and it is easy to get lost in selecting configurations or even anticipating how well they will fit user needs. Still, these tactics seem important for practitioners to apply when appropriate. The challenges strike me as fundamental, given the range of needs and potential interface designs.
CSS outline property - outline: none and outline: 0
What does the outline property do?
It provides visual feedback for links that have "focus" when navigating a web document using the TAB key (or equivalent). This is especially useful for folks who can't use a mouse or have a visual impairment. If you remove the outline you are making your site inaccessible for these people.
AcceDe Web - La démarche accessibilité
Les notices AcceDe Web s’adressent de façon spécifique à chaque intervenant d’un projet web et sont adaptées aux différentes étapes de conception.
Démonstration d'un menu déroulant accessible au clavier et à la souris
Cette démonstration correspond à la fiche "Menus déroulants" de la notice d'accessibilité interfaces riches et JavaScript du projet AcceDe Web.
Easy color contrast ratios | Lea Verou
Browser support is IE10 and modern versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera. Basic support for IE9. No responsive version yet, sorry (but you can always send pull requests!)
OCTO talks ! » Accessibilité des applications mobiles
by 1 otherLes technologies évoluent également : zoom, synthèse et commande vocale, détection des éléments sur l’écran… Voyons comment nous pouvons améliorer nos applications mobiles pour tirer partie de ces avancées et en faire bénéficier ceux qui en ont besoin.
Vibéo - un lecteur vidéo accessible
Vibéo est né suite à un problème récurrent que nous avions qui était le besoin d'un lecteur vidéo accessible HTML5 qui respectait les standards du SGQRI 008-01.
Hiding Content for Accessibility -
by 1 otherFor years now, we've used a number of techniques for hiding content offscreen for accessibility purposes. We do this because the content is still accessible to screenreaders while being removed from the interface for sighted users.
September 2012
The truth about structuring an HTML5 page | Feature | .net magazine
Part polemic, part instruction manual, The Truth About HTML5 has ignited an interesting debate. Here we present an exclusive excerpt on the problems around structuring in HTML5
When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
by 12 othersCompatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS3, SVG and more in desktop and mobile browsers.