Démonstration d'un menu déroulant accessible au clavier et à la souris
Cette démonstration correspond à la fiche "Menus déroulants" de la notice d'accessibilité interfaces riches et JavaScript du projet AcceDe Web.
Using HTML5 and Javascript to Deliver Text-Based Audio Descriptions | WGBH/NCAM
IBM Research-Tokyo recently partnered with NCAM to research ways to deliver online audio descriptions via text-to-speech (TTS) methods, rather than using human recordings. IBM and NCAM explored two approaches which exploit new HTML5 media elements as well as Javascript and TTML
Notices [AcceDe Web]
The goal of this project is to rely on declarative W3C standards (namely, SMIL Timing and SMIL Timesheets) to synchronize HTML content. These demos rely purely on our Timesheet Scheduler: 100% declarative and standard-based, no specific JavaScript code is used.
Analyzing Network Characteristics Using JavaScript And The DOM, Part 1 - Smashing Coding
by 1 otherAs Web developers, we have an affinity for developing with JavaScript. Whatever the language used in the back end, JavaScript and the browser are the primary language-platform combination available at the user’s end. It has many uses, ranging from silly to experience-enhancing.
An accessible, keyboard friendly custom select menu | 456 Berea Street
by 1 otherAnd finally a reminder: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
OCTO talks ! » Charger des fichiers javascript de façon performante
l’importance de la performance dans les applications web : Quelques points de performance feront la différence entre une expérience réussie et une application perçue négativement par ses utilisateurs
Punkchip | Why we should support users with no Javascript
The 2010 WebAIM Screen Reader Survey found that only 1.6% of screenreader users have no Javascript when browsing (compared to 10.4% the previous year) so that argument is wearing thin.
Javascript non-intrusif : le débat | nota-bene.org
Personne ne sait précisément ce qu’est le « JavaScript non-intrusif » ou « unobtrusive JavaScript ». Allez poser la question sur un forum de développeurs web francophone, et sur un forum anglophone, ça va être sport.