08 May 2017 04:30
Top Ways to Create Professional Videos Without a Video Camera
You can actually create a very professional looking slideshow video using good old Microsoft Office! If you have Office 365, then you'll be able to create slideshows and these can now be saved as videos. Add a voice track and you have a simple and easy looking video to promote your brand.
If you've ever heard of ASAP Science, then you'll be familiar with this type of video.Essentially, it's a type of video that looks as though it has been drawn on a whiteboard using cartoons to illustrate the points that the speaker is talking about.
This is not achieved by filming someone's hand however but by using software like Easy Sketch Pro that makes it super simple.
Explaindio is another piece of software that you can use similar to Easy Sketch Pro. The difference is that it lets you combine cartoons, slideshows and other elements together to create something unique but still very easy to make. Another similar option is Video Maker FX.
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