public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from calipussoftware with tags calipus & technology

15 April 2015

Nokia May Sell Its HERE Mapping Business

NOKIA the finnish multinational corporation is considering to sell its HERE mapping business, HERE is one of the last consumer-facing components that the company retained — alongside its embryonic line of devices, which includes its N1 Android tablet. “Nokia today announces that it has initiated a review of strategic options, including a potential divestment, for its HERE business… The strategic review of HERE is on-going and it may or may not result in any transaction,” it said.

14 April 2015

Calipus offering wedding websites solution

Wedding website has to be highly creative, interactive, lightweight, responsive and designer to grab the imaginations of the incoming traffic. In order to successfully, accommodated all mentioned features you will need experts in development and designing with domain experts to develop such a wedding website.

06 April 2015

Sales of the Apple Watch are blocked in Switzerland — at least for now.

'There is already a patent for the word "Apple" appearing on a watch in the country', according to a story on the website for Swiss television network RTS. Apple Watch reportedly blocked in Switzerland over patent, at least for now.

20 February 2015

What is spl_autoload_register, spl_autoload and autoload

PHP does have some awesome function which can be very handy. SPL register function is one of them, we are going to talk about. As PHP manual says spl_autoload_register — Register given function as __autoload() implementation So what exactly it means ? Let’s try to understand with the help of an example. function Autoloader($className) { require_once $path.$className.'.php'; } spl_autoload_register('Autoloader'); $myObj = new MyClass(); Here we have just instantiated a class named as “MyClass” with out specifying include or require statements.

19 February 2015

How to Install ffmpeg-php in Ubuntu/Mint (Part-2)

As we have already learned how to install FFmpeg in previous tutorial so in this tutorial, we shall concentrate on installing and configuring ffmpeg-php. By now, you must have learned that FFmpeg is an important tool for audio/video conversion. You can convert a file from one format to another format with a simple command...

16 February 2015

How to Install FFmpeg in Ubuntu/Mint 17 (Part -1) - Latest Technology

FFmpeg is a free software project that can record, convert and stream audio and video. It is a very fast video and audio converter. The syntax of FFmpeg’ command is ffmpeg [global_options] {[input_file_options] -i input_file} ... {[output_file_options] output_file} ... You can install FFmpeg in two ways : 1. Install From Repository 2. Download Source Code and compile it. Let’s first discuss about installing from Ubuntu Repository.