public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags application & interface

September 2008

Zentific - Multiply your computing. Divide your costs.

Zentific is a browser-based management interface for clusters of virtual machines running on the open-source Xen® hypervisor. In the spirit of the open-source projects which have made Zentific possible, the application will be released to the community. To ensure that Zentific maintains a high level of reliability, security, and ease of use, we will also be offering a supported version for commercial use.

April 2008

scalr - Google Code

by 3 others
Scalr is a fully redundant, self-curing and self-scaling hosting environment utilizing Amazon's EC2. It allows you to create server farms through a web-based interface using prebuilt AMI's for load balancers (pound or nginx), app servers (apache, others), databases (mysql master-slave, others), and a generic AMI to build on top of. The health of the farm is continuously monitored and maintained. When the Load Average on a type of node goes above a configurable threshold a new node is inserted into the farm to spread the load and the cluster is reconfigured. When a node crashes a new machine of that type is inserted into the farm to replace it. 4 AMI's are provided for load balancers, mysql databases, application servers, and a generic base image to customize. Scalr allows you to further customize each image, bundle the image and use that for future nodes that are inserted into the farm. You can make changes to one machine and use that for a specific type of node. New machines of this type will be brought online to meet current levels and the old machines are terminated one by one. The project is still very young, but we're hoping that by open sourcing it the AWS development community can turn this into a robust hosting platform and give users an alternative to the current fee based services available.

November 2007

Webshare, le gestionnaire de fichiers web open source.

by 5 others
WebShare est une application française à installer sur votre serveur qui vous permet de : * Stocker vos fichiers comme vous le feriez sur votre disque dur * Organiser et déplacer au fichiers dans l’arborescences des dossiers * Visualiser les fichiers hébergés : images, textes, html, flash, … * Créer et éditer des fichiers textes et html dans une interface wysiwig * Créer rapidement des bookmarks sous forme de miniatures. * Insérer des flux rss * … Le projet est réellement bien conçu et le système est tout à fait bluffant. En effet, vous pouvez déplacer les fichiers en les glissant, vous disposez d’un menu contextuel complet, vous pouvez afficher les fichiers sous forme de miniatures, listes, ou en détails. Les images peuvent être visualisées sous forme de diaporama, directement dans le système et peuvent etre agrandies

August 2007

Ext FileTree Widget Example by Saki

by 2 others
FileTreePanel is client-server application where client (browser) provides the user interface (UI) which displays the tree and context menu, handles drag & drop operations, etc. The filesystem that is displayed and managed by the UI is stored on a server. Therefore, we need some communication layer between client and server. Client sends a command to server, server processes this command and responds with a result. Client in turn processes the response and display results. All this communication is running in the background by Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) calls. The XMLHttpRequest is not used directly but the Ext JS - JavaScript Library ajax layer is used for this purpose. Client requests data from server with standard POST method and server is expected to respond with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string and appropriate HTTP headers.

October 2006

Enomalism : XEN Virtualized Server Management Console: Home

The Enomalism Virtualized Management Console (VMC) is a powerful web-based systems administrator management tool for the XEN hypervisor. Geared toward hosted environments, Enomalism provides an easy to use interface to provision hundreds of concurrent isolated Virtual Private Servers (VPS). Multiple physical servers can be managed as a single server using a specialized tool set which include a centralized user provisioning system, virtualized server creation wizard and templates which facilitate virtual server configuration, application deployment mechanism, and integration into 3rd party applications via web services API as well as centralized software patch management.