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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags web & free

2008 pagetest » home

Pagetest is an open source tool for measuring and analyzing web page performance right from your web browser. AOL developed Pagetest internally to automate load time measurement of its many websites, and it has evolved into a powerful tool for web developers and software engineers in testing their web pages and getting instant feedback. We decided to release it to the grander web development community to further help evolve it into an even more useful - and free - web performance tool.

Login Panel, connexion du plus bel effet| Webmaster - Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet - Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster

Login Panel est un script original proposé par Web-kreation. Avec Login Panel, ajoutez en haut de votre page web un petit onglet, qui une fois “déplié”, vous demandera les informations de connexion classiques pour accéder à une zone personnelle. show hide login form Ce script s’appuie sur le Framework Mootools. Très simple à mettre en oeuvre, parfaitement réalisé, il ne vous faudra pas plus de 5 minutes pour le placer sur votre site internet. Et, ce script sera facilement “détournable”… pourquoi ne pas placer un “à propos de” ou panel avec vos sponsors ?

Ponyfish RSS Feed Builder

by 15 others (via)
Ponyfish is a FREE web-based tool that allows you to create your own RSS feeds from almost any web page. All you have to do is simply point Ponyfish to the web page you want to create a feed from, then follow a few steps to setup which types of links you want to include in the feed.

htmlwrapper - Google Code

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Wrapper is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page. Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile. Wrappers strives to answer the most common problems web designers face without forcing them to learn too many new things. Most web sites can be created in HTML or CSS, then when you need to extend Wrapper's capabilities you can either use JSON to call functions within ActionScript or you can load compiled plug-ins. Wrapper also has built in methods within CSS to load custom fonts, display elements as any shape, and fill them with linear or radial gradient background colors. ActionScript's event model is also implemented within Wrapper's HTML. Wrapper's best features are the ones that you get for free because of how it is set up. It's like getting all the great features of the Flash Player without needing to deal with compiling and being able to create your content the same way any HTML page would be created. Wrapper is fully accessible to the search engines and integrates well with any back-end technology. Wrapper is currently released as a fully functional open source beta for Flash Player 9. Wrapper is set up as a pre-compiled plug-in but can easily be integrated into any Flex or AIR applications or even as an ActionScript framework for creation of compiled projects.

CrossOver Chromium

by 3 others (via)
CrossOver Chromium is a Mac and Linux port of the open source Chromium web browser. CrossOver Chromium is available for download from CodeWeavers, free of charge. :: Using free software for HTTP load testing

by 1 other (via)
A good way to see how your Web applications and server will behave under high load is by testing them with a simulated load. We tested several free software tools that do such testing to see which work best for what kinds of sites. If you leave out the load-testing packages that are no longer maintained, non-free, or fail the installation process in some obscure way, you are left with five candidates: curl-loader, httperf, Siege, Tsung, and Apache JMeter.

Dimdim: Free Live Meeting, Web Conference, Net Meeting, Online Meetings, Online Training, Desktop Sharing, Web Meeting, Free Web conferencing, eLearning, Presentation Software, Web x collaboration, Collaboration software

by 5 others
Dimdim est une application intranet-internet de réunion à distance, à l’instar de logiciels comme Netmeeting ou Ekiga. Ainsi, il est possible de diffuser la voix de trois personnes au maximum sur tous les clients, ou de voir la caméra du maître de conférence. Ce dernier peut choisir, en outre, d’afficher : - son écran - un document au format PDF - un document au format Word - un document au format Excel - un document au format PowerPoint Dimdim ne se trouve pas sous forme de logiciel, mais s’intègre à un site Internet déjà existant. L’éxécutable installera un serveur apache, Tomcat. Dès lors, l’intérêt devient énorme quand on pense aux plateformes d’apprentissage en ligne, où les étudiants pourront avoir des cours en direct. Dimdim semble à terme avoir un gros potentiel, d’autant plus que des paquetages d’installation existent pour différents LCMS (Learning Content Management System) : Claroline, Moodle et SugarCRM et s’installent facilement, comme des modules.

Free Radio Streaming - Stream MP3 and WAV files with Ease | iRadeo

by 3 others
iRadeo is a free online radio platform that allows anyone to stream their MP3 or WAV files. Once installed, iRadeo will automatically detect and stream any supported file format that has been uploaded to the specified directory. Benefits of iRadeo: * It's 100% FREE * Start your own free online radio station * Use to stream both music and podcasts * Share your favorite music with others * Customize to fit your web site

Des milliers d’icônes | PNG | logos | aiXo

by 10 others
Dans la même veine que les 20 outils pour tout tester sur votre site, voici mes favoris pour trouver des icônes et des PNG de grande qualité. Certains sont plutôt orientés icônes pour le bureau, les docks et d’autres contiennent de vrais trésors pour les webmasters.

Home of the Geotag Icon Project

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The Geotag Icon is intended as a web "standard" icon for identifying geotagged content to humans. The advent of inexpensive GPS devices and free tools like Google Maps or Flickr Map mean that more and more people are associating their content (typically blog posts or photos) with a specific geographic location. Such "geotagging" stores coordinates within metadata or microformat tags—where machines can find them but people can't. That's where the Geotag Icon comes in. It provides a visual reference to a map link, or if no link is yet made helps viewers recognize the geographic relevance of the content. It's free, easy to use and helps us all visualize the developing semantic web.

Mieux que gratuit : le business model réinventé - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by 1 other
Voici une traduction d'un texte pointé par Karl intitulé Better than free et écrit par Kevin Kelly. Je trouve la réflexion très intéressante et arrivant à point nommé dans ma réflexion sur le financement des applications web libres. Je vous laisse lire et on en parle ensuite.

Apsis Gmbh

by 2 others
The Pound program is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Pound was developed to enable distributing the load among several Web-servers and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively. Pound is distributed under the GPL - no warranty, it's free to use, copy and give away. WHAT POUND IS: 1. a reverse-proxy: it passes requests from client browsers to one or more back-end servers. 2. a load balancer: it will distribute the requests from the client browsers among several back-end servers, while keeping session information. 3. an SSL wrapper: Pound will decrypt HTTPS requests from client browsers and pass them as plain HTTP to the back-end servers. 4. an HTTP/HTTPS sanitizer: Pound will verify requests for correctness and accept only well-formed ones. 5. a fail over-server: should a back-end server fail, Pound will take note of the fact and stop passing requests to it until it recovers. 6. a request redirector: requests may be distributed among servers according to the requested URL. Pound is a very small program, easily audited for security problems. It can run as setuid/setgid and/or in a chroot jail. Pound does not access the hard-disk at all (except for reading the certificate file on start, if required) and should thus pose no security threat to any machine.

Free Web Page Headers - Main Index - Powered by PhotoPost

by 8 others
Ce site vous offre plus de 900 images et graphiques gratuits de 800 par 200 pixels prêts à être intégrés sur votre blogue. - create your website easily

by 3 others
Webnode brings you a brand new innovative way of creating and editing advanced websites by just using a web browser. The system is very easy to use and is fully interactive. Real-time fast editing as you see it in the browser. By using Drag-and-Drop from the toolbar you can add new content such as polls, forums, articles, catalogues, widgets such as PayPal and much more. Webnode contains more than 40 beautiful templates or you can make your own. Webnode is completely free. There is no catch.

Voice-over-IP gateway for Google Talk, MSN and Yahoo Users

by 1 other
Free voice services available for all major IM clients: * Voice calls between Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger and Yahoo! * Voice mail service, interoparable between major IM clients. * Voice conferencing: with any number of participants of any IM type. * Sending off-line messages and notifications. * Calling SIP phones and SIP services. * Receiving calls to your IM from any SIP phone. * Receiving calls to your IM from mobile or landline phones using SIP Broker. * Receiving calls to your IM from web users. * Free toll-free calling to 1-800, 1-866, 1-877 and 1-888 numbers via SIP Broker.


DryIcons | Free Icon Sets

by 8 others
All icon sets at are carefully designed and developed by our team of professional web and graphic designers. We designed the DryIcons website to bring your applications the best professional appearance. All of our icon sets contain icons commonly available in 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 pixel 32-bit transparency PNG format and 128x128 pixel Photoshop's PSD image format.

Google Maps PHP Class: Phoogle Maps | systemsevendesigns Freelance Web Development Cornelius, NC

by 8 others (via)
Phoogle Maps (pronounced like Foogle Maps) is a PHP class that integrates itself with the Google Maps API and with the Google Geocoding API to make an easy to use interface to display Google Maps on your site. With about 5 lines of PHP code you can display a customized Google Map on your website. Please note that you will need a free Google Maps API Key to use Phoogle Maps

50 outils d’analyse statistique pour votre Site/Blog

by 3 others
De l’analyse de vos flux RSS en passant par le tracking du nombre de pages vues, visiteurs, clics… jusqu’àux représentations graphiques et autres heatmaps, il existe aujourd’hui une multitude d’outils qui vous permettent de mieux comprendre votre trafic et également d’optimiser votre site/blogs. Ci-dessous un une variété d’applications qui vous permettront de tracker vos flux RSS, blogs, sites et même votre Intranet.

Une Autorité de Certification SSL gratuite - Accueil

La sécurité et la cryptographie ont pris une importance de plus en plus grande dans les réseaux informatiques actuels; Sécuriser l'accès aux sites web en SSL, chiffrer des données ou des courriers éléctroniques, sécuriser des connexions pour n'en mentionner que quelques applications. Mais la sécurité a un prix, n'est ce pas ? Plus maintenant... StartCom, le vendeur et le distributeur des Systèmes d'Exploitation StartCom Linux, gère aussi MediaHost™, une société d'hébergement spécialisée dans les Bases de Données et l'hébergement d'application web Java. MediaHost™ offre également à ses clients des sites web sécurisés SSL avec des certificats signés par StartCom depuis plusieurs années. C'est de là que l'idée pour ce projet a vu le jour: Des Certificats SSL gratuits!


About Simple Groupware

Simple Groupware is a complete groupware package written in PHP, XML, SQL, HTML, CSS and sgsML. Unlike other groupware software, Simple Groupware contains the new programming language sgsML. It enables the quick creation of powerful web applications. Simple Groupware is Free Software, released under the GNU GPLv2 License.

LifeType - OpenSource Blogging Platform

by 12 others
LifeType is an open-source blogging platform with support for multiple blogs and users in a single installation.

Jinzora :: Free Your Media

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Jinzora enables you to stream your digital music and videos to any internet connected computer using a web browser. - FREE website monitoring

by 17 others
Free 24x7 web site monitoring for everyone

camel's TAGS related to tag web

accessibilité +   accessible +   admin +   administration +   ajax +   apache +   application +   applications +   blog +   browser +   cache +   cluster +   cms +   code +   collaboration +   configuration +   control +   css +   database +   debian +   design +   dom +   extension +   file +   firefox +   flash +   form +   format +   framework +   free +   gestion +   google +   gpl +   guide +   hosting +   html +   http +   icon +   ie +   image +   images +   install +   interface +   internet +   javascript +   jQuery +   linux +   list +   mail +   management +   monitoring +   mp3 +   mysql +   nagios +   network +   office +   online +   openid +   opensource +   optimisation +   optimize +   performance +   php +   player +   plugin +   project +   projet +   proxy +   ressources +   rss +   script +   search +   secure +   security +   seo +   server +   serveur +   setup +   share +   site +   social +   software +   ssl +   standard +   standards +   streaming +   subversion +   test +   tools +   tutorial +   ubuntu +   upload +   w3c +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   wiki +   windows +   xen +   xhtml +   xml +