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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags idea & css


CSS - PRO TIPS - CSS element() function - [: -moz-element()]Vincent De Oliveira

element() brings CSS design to a new level, in an easily way. Few ideas that comes to my mind (some that I've already used since the last 4 years): - when you have to deal with duplicated content in advanced effects - live thumbnails of previous/next slides in a slideshow - live zoom over an image, for example in an e-commerce product page - animated background, using CSS Animations or by referencing a video, canvas or SVG - faking backdrop-filter or filter() - watermark with multiples backgrounds from Lea Verou idea - and anything you’re currently thinking of ;) Few things we can note: - prefixed for now in Firefox: -moz-element() - impact on rendering performance when using multiple reference. Not as bad as CSS filters, but still something you have to consider - there’s a CanIUse support page - Issue Chromium - Issue WebKit - No mention from IE Platform Status


CSS - EDITOR - plugin - With Emmet Turbo-Charge Your CSS - Tuts+ Web Design Article

Emmet is a collection of abbreviations that expand into html/xml/css, taking the idea of text snippets further. Visit the download page and install Emmet for your editor of choice. When working with Emmet, type in the appropriate abbreviation and hit the action key. In Sublime Text this is the TAB key. The syntax of the file you are working on will determine which abbreviations to use