public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from dpansu with tag coopération


Dabbleboard - tableau blanc

by 7 others
le tableau blanc en ligne le plus facile qui soit

Communauté de pratique management de projet

L’ambition de ce site est de partager l’expérience autour du thème du management de projet. Vous y trouvez des activités (formation, interventions), des ressources (études de cas, apports méthodologiques, ...), ainsi que des projets (cartographies, tables rondes, ...) qui vous permettent d’être plus performants dans les organisations. Vous pouvez contribuer à cette partage d’expérience en proposant vos propres ressources et en enrichissant la communauté de pratique de votre vécu.


WITHUS is the computer helping a preschool children shape the right values and human relationship by driving them into playing and learning with multi human interactions. Existing computer environment plays important and useful roles in various areas such as education, work, entertainment, and communication. However, it prevents direct interactions between two human or human and society. It is because current PCs are replacing the past human activities which need real contacts among people. It makes more difficult for young children to grow as an adult with right value and personality. WITHUS solves the above problems of current PC environment. A kid as a user is attracted to enjoy more various and interesting contents with their friends by physically connecting his/hers with friends’ WITHUSes. Various firsthand experiences and collaborative activities through WITHUS promote the kids to grow as a social being by learning cooperation and compromise.

systemes agiles

Blog d'un spécialiste de la méthode agile, décliné au-delà du strict cadre informatique (coopération).



by 20 others (via)
Real-time collaboration for the web

Exemole S.A.R.L.

Exemole est une petite S.A.R.L. née en septembre 2003 qui œuvre dans le domaine de la structuration de l’information. La vocation d’Exemole est d’allier outils informatiques et méthodes de travail au service d’une dynamique collective. Autrement dit, Exemole propose une expertise technique en informatique sans jamais perdre de vue l’objectif principal : aider des personnes à travailler ensemble et à valoriser leur production.


22nd international cooperative research conference

Alliance coopérative internationale XXIIème conférence internationale de recherche coopérative

Social Computing for the Business World

The internet enables "globally distributed, near instant, person to person conversations" - are you enabling such conversations inside your organisation? Are you interested in helping your people find each other, learn from each other and to use these connections to improve your efficiency and increase your ability to innovate? In addition to 21 years culminating in a senior position in the BBC Euan Semple has four years of unparalleled experience learning how to make the most of this wired-up world of work and how businesses can prepare themselves for the challenges and the opportunities they represent. He is highly connected to the most influential movers and shakers of this new environment and his workshops, which have often been described as inspirational, have already been experienced by many diverse audiences worldwide.

Project collaboration, management, and task software: Basecamp

by 44 others (via)
Basecamp is a unique project collaboration tool. Projects don't fail from a lack of charts, graphs, or reports, they fail from a lack of communication and collaboration. Basecamp makes it simple to communicate and collaborate on projects.

Conseils pour réussir un projet coopératif par le biais des TIC

Avant de se lancer dans un projet, les professeurs doivent réfléchir à plusieurs éléments.