public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from emmanuelc with tag outils_pratiques



ImageOptim makes images load faster Removes bloated metadata. Saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing quality.




by 8 others
Exerciseur dactylographique en ligne.



by 1 other
Correcteur typographique est basé sur PHP Typography de KING­desk, ainsi que PHP Markdown développé par Michel Fortin. Cet outil a été joyeusement imaginé et designé par Julien Dubedout et allègrement développé par Guillaume Thomas, le tout sous l’égide de Roxane, agence de social media.

Try SaSS

by 1 other
Give Sass a try. Quickly compile Sass to CSS.

Diagramme online

by 3 others is a free online diagram drawing application. You can use it to create UML, entity relationship, org charts, BPMN and BPM, database schema and networks. Also possible are telecommunication network, workflow, flowcharts, maps overlays and GIS, electronic circuit and social network diagrams. It's like a mini version of Visio in your browser.

Compress PNG

Compress PNG images with the Force of an Elephant

Base64 Online - base64 decode and encode

by 6 others
You can use this base64 sample decoder and encoder to: - Decode base64 strings (base64 string looks like YTM0NZomIzI2OTsmIzM0NTueYQ==) - Decode a base64 encoded file (for example ICO files or files from MIME message) - Convert source text data from several code pages and encode them to a base64 string or a file


Best ePUB DRM Removal freeware- ePUBee!

The first software to remove DRM protections from adobe digital editions with no quality losing. Just remove ePUB files DRM header, no change on the files. Then read the ePUB on iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Sony Reader, Android, Kobo, Nook etc. ePUBee DRM Removal helps you remove DRM from ePUB as easy as ABC.


by 1 other
Visualiser les fonctions de couleur de SASS sans compiler.


Least helps you move from your old-fashioned CSS files to something shiny: CSS pre-processors!

Procurez-vous un lecteur de PDF Libre !

by 2 others
Liste de lecteurs PDF Libres, autres que le Reader Adobe

Flip Title

by 1 other
Online tool help to write text upside down, Upside down text generator to create flip text! Anything you write will become flipped upside down, very easy to use. Good for names, blogs, MySpace, etc.

Responsive Design Testing

by 3 others
A simple HTML page to test out your responsive web design — Read more


Word Reference

by 10 others
dictionnaire et traducteur multi-langues