public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from emmanuelc with tag sass


Sass Guidelines

An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass.

DoCSSa {dok~sa}

Sass based CSS architecture and methodology

Sass Compatibility

Reporting incompatibilities between different Sass engines.



SassyLists is a Compass Extension providing you all functions you need to manipulate your Sass lists.

CSS to Sass

CSS (paste your CSS code and convert!)

Try SaSS

by 1 other
Give Sass a try. Quickly compile Sass to CSS.



by 1 other
Visualiser les fonctions de couleur de SASS sans compiler.


Least helps you move from your old-fashioned CSS files to something shiny: CSS pre-processors!

Golden Grid System

by 1 other
A folding grid for responsive design.


A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass

emmanuelc's TAGS related to tag sass

bonnes_pratiques +   compatibilité +   css +   grilles +   guide +   less +   méthodologie +   outils_pratiques +   pré-processeur +