public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fastclemmy


louisremi/jquery.transition.js · GitHub

"Upgrade jQuery's .animate() method to use CSS3 Transitions in modern browsers." Unsuccessfully used it in a large-scale project. May be useful for small-sized ones.

CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer

Each table lists support status information for grouped CSS features across recent versions of Internet Explorer.

A non-responsive approach to building cross-device webapps - HTML5 Rocks

by 3 others
Here’s a compromise: classify devices into categories, and design the best possible experience for each category. What categories you choose depend on your product and target user.

Front-end Job Interview Questions

by 1 other
A group of very intelligent and experienced Front-end Developers got together and created a list of great Front-end focused job interview questions.

HTML5 Clear

HTML5 clone of the Clear iPhone application


How to Build Cool Paper Planes (13 pics)

Because I've always built the same crappy paper airplane.

Fashion, Beauty & Retail Marketing | 9Threads

Multi-dimensional navigation. Don't forget the vomit bag, though.


Creative layout for this web studio.

Boot Camp: Apple Keyboard (Ultra–thin USB) keyboard mapping in Windows

Useful page for people using Windows on their Macbook Pro (just like me!)


Dead Flies Art (15 pics)

by 1 other
Playing with dead corpses, how fun!


Content d'avoir retrouvé ce vieux et excellent jeu de Yam en flash !

YouTube - AT&T 1993 "You Will" Ads

Smart & somehow realistic "anticipation" ad, for once.

Modification de la Bookmarklet - Infimité

by 10 others (via)

Une bookmarklet est mise à disposition dans les outils de, meilleur service de bookmarking social au monde.

fastclemmy's TAGS


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accessibilité   actu   ad   ajax   apple   arcade   art   bd   blog   blooper   cartoon   chart   code   coke   color   css   data   design   diy   dom   drawing   email   experiment   firefox   flash   font   foot   form   free   fun   game   generator   gif   google   googlemaps   greasemonkey   gta   hack   hotlinks   howto   hr   html   humor   humour   image   insolite   interface   internet   javascript   jeu   jeux   js   layout   lego   map   maps   mashup   michael jackson   mouse   music   musique   mysql   nawak   Nostalgia   outils   paper   parodie   parody   patterns   photo   photos   photoshop   php   pixel   politique   pub   rdf   rss   search   shockwave   structure   tableau   templates   test   tips   tutorial   tutoriel   typo   typographie   ui   upload   video   viral   web   web2.0   webdesign   websem   windows   wtf   xhtml