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PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tags "ghost cities" & documentaire

18 November 2012 22:30

Modern Ruins – Piramida | gebrueder beetz filmproduktion

Pyramiden, the former Soviet coal town in Svalbard with the most northern Lenin-monument of the world, was for almost 80 years the communist advance guard in the capitalist abroad. Ceded by Norway in 1920, confirmed in a special agreement, about 1.000 workers mined coal in the short summers and long winters in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. They were compensated by relatively luxurious living conditions. With the collapse of Communism, the end of Pyramiden began. Nowadays the town is a stony monument for the decline of the Soviet Union and is rediscovered by tourists, exploited by junk dealers and resettled by polar bears, arctic foxes and sea gulls.

gregg's TAGS related to tag "ghost cities"

documentaire +   tourisme +   webdocumentaire +