April 2013
a web blog dedicated to designers, developers and bloggers. In this site you can find most useful tips, tricks, tutorials, design articles, inspirational artworks, tutorials related to design as well as development and more...
September 2010
DinPattern - Free seamless patterns
by 6 othersDinPattern is a free seamless background pattern resource for designers, developers and artists.
June 2010
Blogger Showcase
showcasing the best blogger news, tutorials and the blog templates
by 62 others, 3 commentsAlsacréations est une communauté dédiée à l'apprentissage des standards web (W3C, HTML, XHTML, CSS) ainsi qu'à l'accessibilité numérique
May 2010
Techie Blogger - resource portal for web designers and web developers
Techie Blogger is a resource portal for web designers and web developers. Techie Blogger aims to provide all sorts of design tools and resources like fonts , plug-ins , tutorials , best of web , typography, logos, web designs, wordpress themes , etc
by 4 othersGimp-tutorials.net, New fresh tutorials everyday! learn how to apply effects,manipulation,icons,textures and much more tutorials. all for Gimp
May 2009
March 2009
Tutoriaux The Gimp
by 1 othertutoriel pour Photoshop, Gimp, Flash, ...Utilisez Proposez un tutoriel pour proposer votre tutoriel ou tout tutoriel succeptible d'interésser la communauté des webdesigners ! Merci !
May 2008
CrystalXP.net - Forum (Powered by Invision Power Board)
pour tutorials gimp , photoshop
February 2008
Communauté de développeurs et designers en herbe, Cours Photoshop, PhP, Informatique ...
(10 marks)