September 2009
Triphala: the Cure of All Sorrows
Today is the era of smart work rather than hard work. One has to be smart enough to handle all those difficulties and strains in the most apposite fashion. This can only be achieved when you are both mentally and physically fit.
September 2008
Acid Reflux Medicine - Home
Acid Reflux is a digestive disease that has several causes, abnormalities of the lower esophagus, hiatal hernia, pregnancy, and several others. Treatment early on in the disease treatment is a combination of lifestyle changes, including eating and sleeping patterns, and certain prescription and nonprescription medication.
August 2008
Hair Loss is Treatable by Prescription Medicine
Hair loss is a matter of major concern for both men and women alike. However, men suffer hair loss at a young age and hence face serious psychological anxieties.
(3 marks)